Anthony William – Medical Medium – CHEMTRAILS -2020
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The Truth is Finally Revealed for the Very First Time Ever on Chemtrails - September 20, 2020.
When Anthony was asking Spirit of Compassion about the the planes in the sky – well Spirit of Compassion said “that is a passenger plane”, “that is a cargo plane” and then there was a third plane – a sinister plane...back to this third plane soon.
*Note: More on Anthony William at the end of this revealing information.
There are contrails in the sky in the fall and in the winter on the horizon of the night sky, that is the heat coming from the engines, but then there are the sinister, evil chemtrails.
This all comes from WWWI – which was the money and fuel for the chemical industry to excel. They were hired for chemical warfare. There were storage bins of chemicals. The war ended early because of the Spanish Flu.
The chemical industry began dumping their wastes into the ocean and into lakes and that kills life. The dumping slowed down in the 1960’s and storage bins of chemicals began the way of storing chemical wastes. Making chemicals takes a lot of trial and error and you have a lot of toxic wastes. There are millions and billions of botched gallons of toxic chemicals and the byproducts – Why do you need to know this?? Because this effects everyone and you need to protect yourself and your family.
Making just one single chemical that is of satisfactory or of “use” to the industry can take 1,000 tries to get the chemical composition desired so this means a LOT of byproduct chemical wastes of all the trials that didn’t result in their desired chemical output – which means a lot of wastes. So previously they dumped this byproduct into rivers, lakes and the oceans but as mentioned in the 1960’s they quickly began building storage bins to store these toxic chemical byproducts.
There were trillions of gallons and they knew that it was killing all life. So the question was where do they store it? In landfills? No because rain would wash it in places like rivers and lakes again. So there was nowhere to store the surplus of byproduct chemicals – the levels and amounts were unthinkable, there were huge amounts.
OKAY, back to planes – you have passenger planes, cargo planes and then there is another kind that is separate from the others – they are OLDER airliners from the 60’s, 70’s, 80’s and 90’s – they used to have passengers – but now they have their own flight patterns and they have nothing to do with World Governments. It is a whole other organization of private contractors a private deal that was put in place in the 1960’s that was made without any say from the public.
Just as the protein and autoimmune deal that was made, this deal was made without pubic involvement.
Anyway, these passenger planes were gutted and storage tanks were placed in them. They were to store toxic chemicals. The global chemistry industry was harboring tons and tons and tons of toxic chemicals, so many of these chemicals were held onto. The plan was to put these chemicals into planes and to release them in the sky so it would slowly thin out and dissipate. This is not just in one country, this is over the entire planet dropping chemical byproduct, these old storage bins of chemicals are literally being dumped all over the world. There are strange forms of algae, bacteria, and mold that grow on these chemicals and new allergans are formed. The Red Algae is directly the result of these chemicals and it is a sign to come that eventually the entire oceans will be killed.
What happens is that the chemicals that are falling out of the sky, ignite toxic algae in the ocean and lakes. That toxic algae comes from some place and it didn’t come from down here. It came raining down from the sky. These microorganisms survive and they adapt to survive – that itself is a story for later.
When you see a chemtrail in the sky, the chemtrails you see are NOT coming down on you but they are coming down on someone else miles away, they float through the sky and they fall down miles away, the ones that are falling on you – you cannot see. This goes on 24/7/365 days a year… night and day… they dump this TOXIC byproduct… if you would dump all this into the ocean at once, it would KILL the ocean and turn the ocean Blood Red. Just a fraction of this byproduct would kill an entire River. They have to be dropped strategically so it doesn’t show the immediate effect of how much damage it is doing. As Spirit of Compassion says – when you drop it out of the sky it gives the forests and life on Earth time to adapt and the shock isn’t enough to kill everything – so it is all about adapting.
The other plan was for some of it to stay in the clouds and diffuse with rain – so the plan was that hopefully it stays in the clouds. You have heard about Acid Rain – it has a lot to do with the Chemtrails and it does eventually come down in the rain. The rain now is toxic. Chemtrails is why our skies are not blue anymore and they are now Hazy Blue. When you talk to older people they know what a deep blue sky looks like, photographs of the 1940’s are totally different of the sky then than from today. We do not have rich blue skies anymore. The sky used to be very rich and dark beautiful blue. The Chemical Industry has ruined this.
They are now drowning out our sun with all the chemicals being dispersed into the air. This changes both our climate and our weather. We are not talking about the Cloud Seeding methods they use to form rain – by using Barium and others – Chemtrails are on a whole other level – chemtrails cause droughts in places that shouldn’t have droughts. It can cause more rain in places that have never had rain. It can create climate change. The POLAR Caps are being melted because of Chemtrails – YES, the Chemtrails are causing the waters to slowly to rise… it is not the FAKE reason our Gov tells us about climate change from fossil feul. The Government has NO power to stop this and they have to pretend like nothing is happening as this is a PRIVATE CLUB and this makes the Big Pharma Industry look like a friendly little puppy. The POWER behind this Private Club is beyond ALL Laws and ALL Governments, so as most of us thought it was some type of Gov organization – we were all wrong, but we were right that it is the controllers of the world. How do you solve a problem that is ABOVE ALL laws and a problem that is GLOBAL? Anthony cannot stop people from Nutritional Yeas and Eggs that feed all the pathogens in the body.
The man poisoned club is an EVIL machine according to Spirit of Compassion – you have to accept it and you have to rise above it.
Why is Anthony William Medical Medium finally talking about this now? He waited for years for someone else to discover what is going on. Unfortunately, no one has really figured it out – NO ONE has figured out that there is a Private Big Boys Club that doesn’t care about the people. Here is the problem: This is going to get worse and worse over time, the fleets are massive and growing larger, they run all day and all night and they never stop. That is truly how much waste chemicals being dumped. It is NOT contrails as their trails do not last. Chemtrails go on for miles and miles and the Pilots just clicked or flip the switch to the pump in the tanks while the plane is flying and spouts that are fabricated on the side of the plane release the chemicals as the pumps – pump it out in the atmosphere. The pilot actually switches a switch on and off at the Pilots Discretion. He can release it all at once or sporadically. The pilots job is to Disperse it slowly.
Chemtrails – the activity is heightened in certain areas and certain times when there are more people out and about– WHY is it happening when people are out more?? The first intention was just to get rid of the byproduct and they really thought at the beginning in the 1960’s that this was the safest and best idea to get rid of all these chemicals. BUT there is a second intention involved now – when activity increases – there is a METHOD to this madness and it has to do with creating the illusion that all planes do this. This is Good vs Evil here and Evil definitely exists – there IS Darkness. It is Evil tricking the Good. The Good doesn’t even know that there is a fight or anything evil going on. It is about distraction and focusing the minds of good on other things. Chemtrails can no longer just be ignored. No one is aware to the complexities of this – the chemtrails ARE what is responsible of the flocks of birds just dying around the planet at once. The birds hit pockets of these chemtrails in the sky – some chemtrails are much, much more toxic than others and when they just happen to hit a toxic spot of vapor chemtrails it causes them all to die almost instantly. What is really sad is that we don’t see about 90% of the birds around the world that are dying. So they are dying everywhere and we are not even seeing it. Chemtrails will be the END of our birds and right now there are LESS birds than ANYTIME on our planet.
What about the Bees? There are theories that maybe it is GMO foods that are killing the bees. GMO’s are horrible and they are not helping the Bees but there is a more predominant problem but it is the CHEMTRAILS that are Killing the Bees. It IS the chemtrails folks. When the bees are docile and they are crawling around on the ground and just looking sick and dying – they are dying from Toxic Chemtrails. They are dying a slow death because of chemtrails. The other canary are the Dragon Flies and we need dragon flies. Butterflies are taking a big hit from chemtrails. Schools of Fish in our oceans are dying by the thousands and environmentalists have no clue – it is the Chemtrails – 100% poisoning our oceans. Yes, Algae Blooms have something to do with it, but it is the Chemtrails that cause these Algae Blooms which scientists do not know about.
Some of these chemicals have been stored for 60 years and it has Algae Growing in it --- fish hit these pools of poison and they instantly die. Welcome to the Chemtrails. In 20 years from now the plane fleets will be massive and they already take up the skies. What is sad is that the flight towers just have to ignore this. Everyone is worried about 5-G right now and Anthony will talk about this that Spirit of Compassion has told him. But this Chemtrails is a SICK Game and Spirit of Compassion has told him this and they want us to focus on 5-G and to focus on cups, straws, toilet paper rolls, cans, bottles, less trash and this is very important but it is NOTHING compared to Chemtrails. We are deliberately being poisoned by a Private Group of Evil People who have control of this world.
When you look into the sky, think about how long these particular chemicals have been stored – the longer they tend to be more poisonous.
The chemtrails fall all night long and in the morning there is moisture on grass and on car windows – this moisture can harbor beneath the tree line and this moisture has a LOT of chemtrail chemicals in it – so in the mornings we breathe in more chemtrails than any other time. Our skies are supposed to be Sacred but not anymore, everything good is being taken away by these Chemtrails.
What is going on is sad and corrupt. We NEED to cleanse. That is why Anthony wrote his most recent book called Cleanse to Heal.
Health officials – Medical and Science Industry have no clue on what is going on and why people are becoming sick. Chemicals FEED Viruses in our Body just as they interact with Algae in the Oceans. They have no clue why we are even sick nor how to take care of ourselves.
Our bodies are up against a lot of toxins – the toxic chemicals and heavy metals from these chemtrails get into ALL of food supply – organic foods are better but they are contaminated with chemicals also as these chemtrails just rain on them.
Chemtrails contain Toxic Heavy Metals – they are constantly falling from the sky and they soak into the soil and they destroy the soil born microorganism, they deplete the soil from Zinc and they kill the soil. This is why Zinc is our #1 deficiency. The animals that eat grass are eating heavy metals and they are NOT testing for that because they dont even know what to look for as 90% of these chemicals don’t even have patents and are UNRECOGNIZABLE. ***Very important to know this. They are not detectable because scientist don’t even know they EXIST.
When we don’t have Zinc we cannot fight off of Viruses!!! Epstein-Barr and Shingles have close to a 100 varieties between the two and Medical and Science has no clue – they focus on something now called the Coronavirus – the major ones are the Epstein Barr Varieties and the Shingles varieties but medical research and science don’t believe these are that harmful – but they are the ones causing most of our illnesses – almost ALL of them in fact along with the cofactoring bacteria of Streptococcus, E. Coli and H. Pylori – these combinations are what is causing almost all illnesses – yes there are other viruses like HHV-1 – 18 and Cytomegaloviruses but the main ones are the EBV and Shingles and medical research and science thinks there is only one kind of shingles and this kind is actually the one that is not as harmful. Bottom line is that our medical science and research have not even scratched the surface in chronic illness.
All these chemicals from chemtrails go directly to the liver. So you have to take care of the liver by drinking 32 oz of lemon water and then 45 minutes later take 32 oz of Celery Juice and later in the day do the Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie. All of this will help to heal the body of the damages caused by toxins.
There is a battle going on between Good vs Evil and the Evil is ALL about Control.
If you have Truth and Knowledge on your side Evil can be defeated and illnesses can be healed.
To reiterate – the chemtrails we visibly see are not falling on us as they drift thousands of miles sometimes but we are all constantly being bombarding with falling chemicals that we cannot see – it covers every square inch of the entire planet… that is how much damage is being done and has been done.