War Castles - Military Insider - Robert-Leroy:Horton - Updated Version -- TRANSCRIPT
Adrenochrome - Inside info
A Interview with Russell-Jay:Gould
The TRUTH about HEALTH - Answers to Questions you will not find Anywhere on the Internet - must see.
with: The War Castles links below – EVERYONE needs to know the
greatest secret – that :Russell-Jay : Gould literally SAVED America
– just a mind blowing but true story. Everyone should salute this
man at all times. A true HERO. Much more information will be added
regarding :Russell-Jay : Gould
Come Back - more sources and great information will be added almost daily! Best of Luck Truth Seekers!!
Come Back - more sources and great information will be added almost daily! Best of Luck Truth Seekers!!
Source: www.qmap.pub -- this is where Q posts
WarCastles - Military Insider :Robert-Leroy: Horton - Updated Version –
64,615 views as of April 1, 2020. *MUST See - EVERYONE should know this and be completely AWARE! *Start HERE. Here is the Transcript that you read along with.
Youtube: :WAR CASTLES ~1 – a 12 part series with a final – well worth the watch! Watch them ALL. 8,276 views as of April 1, 2020.
Source: The Fall of the Cabal – a TEN Part Series – (15 to 20 m minutes a series on most) but goes over the history of corruption of the Elite and how hopefully Trump can help rid this horrific problem.
Former Spy Tells President Trump Truth in Nine Minutes -- Fake Pandemic, 5GTriggers, Purge Needed –
JFKto 911 Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick – also can find this HERE :
Anonymous Charity - check this out - website appears to have
You may not understand what this guy :Russel-Jay :Gould is talking about - you HAVE to listen and watch everything you can find - extremely challenging and interesting. Watch the War Castle series for SURE!
Source: News
from the Perimeter
Youtube - Alternative News sites: X-22 Report: Greg Hunter, Kevin Shipp,
Lynette Zang, (just do a search on Youtube for their name and you
will find them).
also talks about mind control going way back. This is 10 ½ hours
long. Talks about former President Ford, Dick Cheaney, Ronald Reagan,
George Bush, the Clintons, Senator Robert Bird – another really
WICKED one (created a section of the KKK)(look up the letter sent to
Senator Bilbo about negro’s – as he called them “race
mongrels”) – this guy was in the top 4 or higher of total power
for over 30 years – him, Ford, Cheney, Bush and Byrd were some
really bad characters – Reagan was really bad also but Reagan
wasn’t the real power figure as these others even though he was
president – Reagan said that George and Dick were his puppets who
pulled the strings and he was the director of the entire play – but
I have a feeling from what I have learned that those other guys were
the real power figures who had the influence, Ford – a really
wicked one – they ALL are wicked really,
of these guys were involved in deep, deep , deep corruption and they
had several “Slaves” which are programmed girls who have been
under mind control and they used little key words to were programmed
to make them their sex slaves and trade slaves to other countries as
they would tell them what they wanted to say to other leaders and it
would be said. They had many triggers like necklaces, clothing and
many keywords that would trigger a program.
Democratic Party was the party of slavery, the party of KKK, the
party of theft. (Robert Byrd).
Grove – where satanic politicians such as Bush, Cheney, Byrd,
Obama, Clinton’s go to practice their pedophile rituals which can
and has included sacrifices.
Bush and Reagan were the guys responsible for setting up the Mexican
Drug cartel with the United States. Before Clinton was even Governor
they had him doing drug deals for and with the CIA. Hillary was a
lesbian back then – or participated in lesbian acts and Bill knew
it and it didn’t even phase him when he would walk in.
and Bill Bennett – a member of the “Grove” and was lawyer for
Clinton. Bill and Bob were mind controllers with MK-Ultra along with
Reagan, Bush, Cheney. The Bennett brothers had perverse relations
with very young girls. These are some really sick people here.
Bennett was a deep programmer in mind control. Bill was Secretary of
Bush, Cheney, Clinton and former Ford – all were working on
developing the NWO and there were NO Party conflicts or differences.
Bennett programmed Cathy and said we are going to go around the world
on a Global Education Project. Bennett was mean and whipped her. Byrd
told Cathy that working for Bill is like working for me – we are in
conjunction and working for the similar objectives.
goes on to explain how the states are suffering financially because
of him – he had withheld Federal funding to them when they needed
it most and now they are broke – so he says he will have them at
his mercy. If they follow my guidelines they will be rewarded with
was programmed to meet with Governors at the Gov convention and to
persuade them that Global Education was needed and is the key to the
future.Our children are our future – we can control the
future by controlling their education. Our thoughts that
are put in children’s text books. The project was called Global
Education 2000.
Education 2000 project is to control their future by regulating
education. This was also called America 2000 or Global 2000. This was
created in 1984 I believe but they were thinking way ahead of
controlling our future.
This will implemented to control the children’s capacity – while destroying their ability to critically think for themselves.
Telecommunications law – Clinton signed the one in 1998 that
allowed companies Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc to not be sued and
to slowly incorporate their views to the masses. This is where
massive internet propaganda began.
Standard – what is corrupt to one person may not be interpreted as
corrupt in a more VIP person. This is going to change.
CEO Resignations – L Brands CEO Les ? W is resigning.
have been victims of mindless indoctrination.
is a democratic civil war going on right now. Don’t be surprised to
see Clinton or Michelle Obama enter the game somehow. They do not
like Bernie and Joe Biden has lost whatever luster he once had.
is revealing the Deep Estates plan on taking your possessions, guns,
land, homes – they want it all.
Democratic Party is broke – they had to borrow $10 million for
campaigns in 2019. This is why Bloomberg is so dangerous – Hillary
bought the platform via Clinton Foundation when she became front
runner to Trump. Now Michael Bloomberg is trying to do the same. Now
Bloomberg wants to take over the Democratic National Committee.
Democratics are the ones who have the Super Pacs – the Big Money.
that the Democrats are FINALLY being exposed they are losing Blacks,
Asians, Independents, Women and Hispanics.
and Rod Blagojevich had a meeting which the transcript of that
interview was never released. Blagojevich could have something on
Obama. The Deep State FBI still evidently has that transcript. What
are they hiding? Blagojevich was prosecuted by Mueller, Comey and
Deep State Gang. When Trump pardoned Blagojevich – this is sending
a message. Was Obama involved in selling off his own Senate seat?
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