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Assassination Attempts on Donald J. Trump
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least 17 assassination attempts on Trump – the Las Vegas incident
when the “former” Saudi Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal was here and
had planned on an assassination attempt of Trump and to get rid of
part of his family that he thought was a threat to him – including
Prince Salman Bin Abdulaziz - the only thing reported was that a
crazy man shot some people in Las Vegas as the media covers
everything up – there really is no real media period. It is all
scripted and fake. The top floors where this occurred was owned by
Bill Gates. This was assassination attempt #1, The Deep State knew he
was going to be a HUGE, HUGE problem for them and they want him DEAD.
Within the first month there was a gun battle and he used to be
protected by secret service but now uses his friend “Black Water”.
Assassination Attempt #2: There was an actual gun battle in the White
House as there were Black Hats from Obama and this was in early 2017
(Fake News Media didn’t report this at all), the gun fights were
beneath the White House in the tunnels.
Assassination Attempt #3: Man
arrested in 2018 with anti tank weapon in front of White House.
Assassination Attempt #4 – another Black Hat Marine that was
arrested prior to even getting it organized. It is a battle to know
who the real white hats are and who the real black hats are – it is
a battle of discerning the good guys from the bad guys as since the
1970’s there were many more bad guys in high military positions
than good guys, going back to the Ford and Nixon years. Reagan did
his best but Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld pretty much had complete
control of the White House. Hillary has so many clones that run
around – the REAL Hillary is dead, she died in 2016. They are
currently following Hillary clones to try to discover her handlers.
Assassination Attempt #5: One of Trumps body guards jumped in front
of him and took the bullet and died for him (once again Fake News
didn’t report this – I think it was reported that he had a heart
attack when there were tons of witnesses that saw this – he was a
YOUNG very FIT man – who has a heart attack or maybe they said
stroke, can’t recall right now but it was one of these) – when I
say the news is FAKE I mean it is Controlled World Wide and they
spend Trillions on doing this each year - the great man’s name was
Nole Edward Remagen. He was “shot” by what they do call a Heart
Attack CIA gun that shoots out a frequency to stop the heart
immediately (just like they did to SC Justice Antonin Scalia – Bush
and Cheney’s evil ass deal- as Scalia was threatening their evil
ass child trafficking arena).
Assassination Attempt #6: Trump was on
Air Force 1 going to meet Kim Jong Un in North Korea as Air Force 1
was outside of Portland Oregon the CIA Asset called USSS – used to
be called the USS La Jolla – but the CIA had rebuilt this submarine
and they tried to launch a missile at Air Force I. There was a TR-3B
fighter that took this missile out as well as other weapons. This one
was a really close call, was taken out right outside the cockpit of
Air Force I – it was very close, but Trump is truly protected and
chosen by God – I know many think how could God chose such a man,
what most don’t know is that Trump has been secretly preparing for
this as a Military Intelligence officer all his life (Fake News Media
knows this as they know all of this but are controlled) the bad guys
refuse to believe that Trump is chosen by God. This was a Tomahawk
Missile that cost about $1.4 million. *Also: what the Fake News won’t
tell you is that we have Anti-gravity technology and super high
technology for missile defense, but this one actually almost got him.
The TR3B when in Stealth mode is completely invisible. The Russians
(which are really OUR ASSETS as Fake Media wants to portray them as
the Enemy – anyway, Russia destroyed this Submarine for us –
China is our major enemy – the CCC of China specifically). There
was actually an underwater battle in which Russia lost 15 people that
died for protecting the United States.
Assassination Attempt #7:
Trump was in France and the French Assassin was killed – Q refers
to this on Q drop #1559 on July 19, 2018 – “Viva Le Resistance”.
This means long live the resistance to the white hats.
Assassination Attempt #8: The first rally of this election there was an
assassination attempt using 6 men and they were all taken out. This
was an LP gas facility that was going to be what Burisma Holdings was
funneling $ Billions of Dollars through Hunter Biden to buy up all
that property (Fake News won’t report on this – but this is why
Biden can’t even speak, he is scared shitless and knows all these
attempts on Trump and knows Trump has the Goods on him and his
corrupt son – I personally think they will Kill Biden between now
and election and put others in there) anyway they were funneling this
for China to run this – all would of worked IF Trump wasn’t
Assassination Attempt #9: A private plane tried to fly into
Air Force ONE and this was coming back to DC and was over Alabama –
this one wasn’t even close as they destroyed the plane in plenty of
time. (Fake News didn’t report). They gave this plane plenty of
warnings before they took it out.
Assassination #10: Trump was in his
motorcade and a black SUV drove through the median into on coming
traffic and tried to hit the motorcade – occurred in Alabama.
Assassination Attempt #11: Another private plane was shot down in the
same way over Canada.
Assassination Attempt #12: At the Vietnam
Conference with Kim Jong Un – the conference was terminated before
they came to an agreement – there was an assassin in the conference
that had plans on killing BOTH Kim and Trump. This was a FEMALE from
the US and was a Main Stream Media Reporter.
Assassination #14:
Pelosi and Schumer got on a bus to go outside the Country and they
were going to kill both Pence and Trump and Pelosi was going to be
President. This was to be done with a Rocket Launcher into the White
House – the guy was arrested and he is currently resides at Gitmo.
Assassination Attempt #14: At a Dallas rally they had a six man
MK-Ultra team that has canisters of some type of Gas that they said
would have been enough to kill everyone at the rally. At this same
rally they also had six MK-Ultra shooters with guns and all six were
Assassination Attempt #15: A Food Poisoning assassination
attempt in which one of Trumps taste testers has died. It was cyanide
in a binary compound – so you put one compound in a drink and
another compound in the meal and when they COMBINE is when the
reaction occurs that will form cyanide. Trump actually had to go to
the hospital as he did get some of this and they saved him – it
wasn’t life threatening but did make him very ill for a short
period. The guy is a total warrior, most would of said “Fuck this
shit, I’m wealthy, I don’t care about saving the world, I just
want to save my life” but he knows he is there to make this world a
true world and get the corruption OUT as much as he can and to place
GOOD HONEST people in leadership positions. Melania’s taste tester
– a female was placed in the hospital also – from them poisoning
her perfume – this women was in critical condition at the time.
Assassination Attempt #16: Another Battle in the White House – this
was around September of 2019 and involved 5 Assassins from the Middle
East – that’s all I know right now about this one.
Attempt #17: (This was in 2017). There was going to be a nuclear
attack when Hillary became President on US soil, but they decided to
still try this even though she didn’t get elected, so they
attempted to launch Nuclear Missiles off the coast of North Korea (to
make it appear it really was from little Kim) but they aimed this at
Hawaii – the media DID report this but they reported this as a FAKE
Alarm – the White Hats knew this and they allowed the first missile
to be launched because it put Hawaii on alert which would shut down
certain power systems as there was a huge computer system in the
DUMBS between Oahu and the big island – they did this because it
shut power down and I don’t understand this but somehow the White
Hats could get information off of the computers from all over the
world?? This missile was easily taken out with Satellite technology –
but this is the extent that they want to cause ANY and ALL harm to
get a bad person back in the White House, this wasn’t an
assassination attempt but was to RUIN Trumps presidency and take his
focus away from going after the bad guys and hope that they can get
him in the meantime. This was shot from the USS Rathburne off coast
of North Korea and was to be blamed on North Korea as the bombs that
were planned if Hillary was elected – this was 3 nuclear bombs to
try and take care of a good portion of our population to steal our
land for the Chinese and the new Head Quarters of the World would be
in China… but Trump was elected and that is history. The White Hats
now have taken most control of our Satellites that Obama gave or
allowed the Chinese to place their codes in to control… the white
hats have most of them back. When Trump speaks of repairing and
rebuilding the military he is hinting at this. No one knows what this
guy endures on a daily basis. Then the fake media never will ask any
pertinent questions and they just want to paint him as a horrible
human being. The Deep State want ALL the Trumps dead. They don’t
want another one running for President ever again – just as they
went after the Kennedy’s. When you see Comey on Twitter posting his
shit, it all has meaning and he has PLENTY of MK-Ultra’s that can
be triggered just by his posts. In my opinion Trump is the most
courageous man on the planet. He doesn’t have to do this. This
country would seriously be different right now if he miraculously
didn’t win the election. This isn’t about PARTY line crap, the
Bush’s were the main planners of all this crap… Clinton’s and
Obama’s just were chosen at very young age – both Obama and
Clinton as well as Bush Jr went through what is called the
Accelerated Learning School at a young age where they can teach you
and program you to learn whatever they want and basically make you do
whatever they want. Obama’s parents – both mom and dad were in
CIA – so they got him very young and it only can take a week to do
ALL this and prepare a young and dumb kid to be programmed to be
Wild Shit I know, but I’ve been very deep into this for
over a decade. When praying for someone to get healthy think of them
as healthy already – this significantly increases the power of the
mind and power of prayer.
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END of Assassination Attempts on Donald J. TRUMP.

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1666 Redemption Through Sin:Global Conspiracy in History, Religion, Politics and Finance1stEdition By Robert Sepehr.
Calm Before the Storm (Q Chronicles Book 1). By Dave Hayes – The
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– Anthony William – Celery Juice
– Anthony William – Life Changing Foods
– Anthony William – Liver Rescue
– Anthony William – Thyroid Healing
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