War Castles - Military Insider - Robert-Leroy:Horton -PART I Updated Version -- TRANSCRIPT -- The Greatest Hidden Secret in American History
An Interview with Russell-Jay:Gould
Assassination Attempts on Donald J. Trump
The COVID-19 HOAX - Plandemic Explained in Great Detail - the best explanation - the truth.
Kill Cities by Rothschild and Rockefeler by Delores Tavares
The TRUTH about HEALTH - Answers to Questions you will not find Anywhere on the Internet - must see.
Tavares – Kill Cities by Rothschild and Rockefeller
Corona Virus HOAX is a move into the Genocide program by the
Rothschild’s and Rockefeller’s.
plan on moving us to what they label “Resilient Cities” – this
is diabolical and we are likely unaware of this right now.
wants the Rothschild's "Restructuring North America" - what
do they mean by this anyway??
are going to create what they call "Resilient Cities" and
will move people out of the urban areas, they plan on ridding the
trucking business and making it autonomous trucks so they can fully
remotely control. They have power over the weather and can destroy
any farm they want to - they completely control the weather right now
and can make it flood anywhere they want. These resilient cities will
be genocide cities in which they will bombard us with radiation. They
want to get rid of the our police force. They want to take our guns.
They want to force vaccines. This is a consensus to help cities build
worldwide to adapt to climate change. This is weaponized weather -
they have 100% control and it is now artificial weather throughout
the world - look in the sky on bright blue days and you will see the
chemtrails at work.
have what they call Climate Action Plans or Energy Action Plans that
almost every city has already adopted. This is 100% New World Order
and the Rothschild and Rockefeller families. It is to create the
ILLUSION of public consensus / agreement. It is based on False
consensus science. The climate change we see is FAKE. Look up Climate
Action Plan - they will put out FAKE media saying that everyone is in
favor of this plan. So false but this is the way that they always do
things - to make it reality and really get momentum. Once they put
something out there and they have their False Senior Leaders say that
they are baking it and they use each other to create a Propaganda
Whirlwind that sucks everyone else into believing they are being
truthful by telling them they believe and many others do also --
before you know it the Masses have been sucked into this new belief
system that they just introduced and this is happening everyday now.
Everyone was sucked into the Coronavirus Hoax and ALL the Bullshit
that came with it - Locking the World down, Six Food bullshit, Mask
bullshit, Labeling who is Essential bullshit, etc.
21 policies want to move us to these resilient cities. What is Urban
Resilience? It is a way to help cities to adapt to this New World
that they are creating for us. BUT what they are creating is
genocide. They call this Restructuring of America. Google Resilient
Cities or Urban Resilience or Urban Cities or Smart Cities - they all
are the same objective. They are using Weather Weapons with powerful
frequencies to control us like a hypnotist can control his audience.
This is why we need to wake up. Acute Shocks will come - shocks that
will effect an entire city but it will be created by Rothschild's and
Rockefeller's. They can create Hurricanes, Earthquakes and Fires.
They will add all these challenges to us that will pressure us to
conform to their wishes. We need more people to wake up so they know
what the hell is really going on. They want transient people coming
in and out.
are creating FALSE Leadership Organizations and promoting FAKE
Leaders in Senior Positions ALL over the world - just know that they
have ALL the money in the world to do this and they are currently
paying Contact Tracers $65,000 to start. Just the Five Star Slush CIA
fund that they control has enough cash that they could pay off ALL
Americas debts and they have this to play with. They want put their
"LEADERS" in all positions and the dumber the leaders are
the better - as long as they are Compliant - that is the main key -
they must be compliant. Once they have their fake leaders in
desirable positions they will tell them to pledge 10% of their
budgets to the Resilience Project - it is called the "10%
Resilience Pledge" (Google that one also). Once they get these
POOR leaders in place they will give them bonuses for recruiting
others that are just as Corruptable as they were and just as
Vulnerable and Accepting to go along with their plans. They have
already been doing this for over 60 years and that is what we call
the Deep State but now they are going Local, they already have
infiltrated the Federal and State Levels and now they are going
they get EVERYONE on the SAME team it they will quickly begin
implementing their plan on moving people to the cities but they want
to do this peacefully, they do not want any runaway sheep or any
resistance at all - they want to make us willingly participants in
our own genocide. America is one large conglomerate of corporations -
it is NO longer a Republic and we No Longer have Constitutional
rights or even an accepted one - even though Russell-Jay:Gould
created a new one back in 1999. We do not have a functioning
Government right now.
city that pledge their allegiance to these "Resilient
Cities"will pledge 10% of their Annual Budget toward this goal.
Rand Corporation - a so called labeled "Policy Think Tank"
created in 1948 - will they control our FAKE Ass Politicians and yes,
they are ALL unlawful - they don't even read the bills before they
vote, they are given a summary and the Fake Media makes it look like
they know every detail, but they have no freeaking clue - they work
for the Corporation and not people - but they do get a bonus pay
salary from the so called fake Gov -- Not only don't they read it,
they don't even write it and this is important to know anyway, the
Rand Corporation pretty much controls EVERYTHING Government related
and it is Globally controlled.
have centers in Europe and Australia and all throughout the States.
The Rand Corporation are the creators for our Fake Ass Public
Policies. The congressman and senate do not do this - and this is
TRUE - we no longer have a government.
my blog on this one and just click on Start Here - that will explain
everything. Anyway it is the Rand Corp who writes our stinking bills
and they instruct our senate and congress how to vote.
when Trump took office he has disrupted this process as we currently
are in a Good vs Evil war right now and Trump wants to bring our
country back to a Republic where the people are in control and NOT
the Corporations. They want him out so bad they have attempted 18
Assassination attempts at least as I know on Trump and NONE have been
reported by our completely 100% Fake Tel e vision Media. Totally fake
media and scripted by the same network of sucm running the world -
Rothschilds and Rockefellers.
many believe that this is a true Democrat vs Republicans war but it
is a war for those who believe we should be run by the People (which
are most republicans) and those who believe we should be run by
Corporations and the NWO (which are mostly democrats) and then you
have people that are Rep or are Dem but they have NO Freaking Clue
that this whole thing is going on as they rely on TV for news and
since they grew up or were taught that this TV news is really how the
world is -- they really believe the TV news. The reality is the
Television News is 100% controlled, scripted and Fake.
-- The Rand Corporation shapes EVERYTHING on the FAKE Idea that we
have Climate Change (don't buy their bullshit because it is just
that, bullshit - they are going off the weather they have been
creating for the past 60 years and using that data - this earth has
been around much longer that 60 years - it is 100% fake - it really
single policy right now has Climate Change in mind and this is how
they are going to build their Resilient Cities. Our Cities have
already agreed to and accepted the Payoff Grant Money. They have sold
their souls to the devil. It is important to know that Rand is funded
by Rockefeller and Rothschild along with other private funds and they
sometimes can request from certain Gov Slush Funds.
Rand Corporation is one of the most EVIL corporations on the planet
as they are the ones who steer our politicians to vote on their Dirty
Policies like common core education (Under Obama) and just about
anything that comes up is NOT EVER good for the people - we are
considered Chattel by these bastards. They have their hands in
everything - Wars, Weapons, Drugs, Human Trafficking, etc.
want to DUMB down society so that the lower class will have NO Chance
of EVER figuring out what they do and they want to keep them in the
bag as they believe they are too stupid and lazy to wake up and they
believe they have them controlled and in the bag.
say "the quality of education to the lower class must be in the
poorest source, need to isolate the superior class from the inferior
class" to create as much division between the two - which makes
it easier for us to control as they will be fighting among themselves
and not notice what we do right before them. "Even BRIGHT Lower
Class Individuals have little or any hope of extricating themselves
from their assigned LOT in life" -- and these EXACT people are
their Core Voting Class and the class they manipulate to participate
in their evil protesting Riots and Loots. They go on to say "this
form of slavery is essential to remain order, peace and tranquility
for the ruling upper class." I hope people are smart enough to
know what this means!
Congressman are NOTHING but Actors and our Government is Nothing but
an Illusion. The congressional members are Puppets -- they are Actors
and they are TOLD what to do and how to vote. The Rand Corporation
and others in the NWO Agenda arena supply the script to these so
called "Policy Makers" we label as our Senate and Congress
- but they are ALL Fake - the Government became a Corporation back in
Rand Corp on Highway Transportation - "the U.S. highway
transportation fund is running on fumes and the taxing of fuel is not
cutting it, some believe we may have to think about taxing miles
driven along with fuel, but this may come with public resistance
stemming from privacy concerns, we will need to collect the taxes
from Millions of Drivers" These are the people that Democrats
are supporting.
United States Government is a De Facto Government -- it is non
existent - it is truly a Corporation now - I sure hope that people
understand how seriously close we were to losing everything in 1999
and then again in 2016, if HIllary would of won we wouldn't have a
fighting chance. Now at least we have a fighting chance as Trump was
never in this Elite Club and he knew that his children, their
children and so forth lives would be ruined as Freedom and LIberty is
taken away. It is Satan vs God - it literally is - see my blog on
this and just go to Start Here as I have sequentially attempted to
make it easy to follow and learn just how the world real operates and
who operates it.
James Traficant of Ohio tried warning us back in 1993 -- We are
reaping what has been sown, and the results of our harvest is a
painful bankruptcy, and a foreclosure on American property, precious
liberties, and a way of life. Few of our elected representatives in
Washington, D.C. have dared to tell the truth. The federal United
States is bankrupt. Our children will inherit this unpayable debt,
and the tyranny to enforce paying it.
has become completely bankrupt in world leadership, financial credit
and its reputation for courage, vision and human rights. This is an
undeclared economic war, bankruptcy, and economic slavery of the most
corrupt order! Wake up America! Take back your Country."
was warning of us the third and final U.S. International Bankrupty in
which Great Britain was going to take ALL Assets of Land and Property
in the United States and already minted the Coinage but one man
stopped this all and he captured our Title IV Flag. Learn more about
that at

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We would be honored to have Mr. Gould on our weekly podcast-show. Please let him know. We air “live” every week on Thursday evening beginning @ 9 pm EST. Here’s the link to our website: www.aunetwork.tv
ReplyDeleteFred Smart
Fred dot k dot smart at gmail