Bards of WAR
Obama Sold America
EP81 - Letter From Flynn, Saving A Nation That Was Already Lost -
An Absolute Must See or read below:
The Deep State has planned on destroying for decades and they almost had the job done and with Hillary elected we were in the FINAL 4 years as they tightened up some lose ends.
Our Country under Obama was literally sold.
There were purchases media and stories instead of Journalism.
The Media is the main weapon against the people of the world.
Obama administration signed the rights to Eminent Domain to CHINA. Can you believe this? China was given the Right to purchase ANY Federally controlled land for ANY Purpose. This should be considered TREASON by Obama. The Obama administration actually encouraged the purchase of corporations by China. So China began buying enough shares to take Control of Corporations - the 8 years of Obama administration was the highest transfer of wealth to China in history. The Obama admin was the most treasonous administration in US History.
They begain buying 30 or 40% of coporate shares that didn't need Government approval - so by doing this they took control / influence over what these corporations developed and for who.
Investors just were pulled in and forced to go along with the corporations that were no longer owned by America.
All of this was to end with the final 8 years of HIllary Clinton as President.
China's Communist Party and the Deep State are Synomynous
The plan was to shift the world headquarters to China when Hillary became President and to collapse the dollar to a point where the world would of begged for any replacement currency... yes, this was Obama's and Hillary's plan.
They wanted the Chinese Yuan to be the main currency of the world.
Obama had so significantly weakened the US Military that we wouldn't be able to defend ourselves against China and even Russia.
ALL of our Military Secrets had been compromised and given away. Our military would of been at the mercy of an enemy that knew our every move
Obama allowed China to digitally put backdoors in ALL of our electronics - they had access to ALL our communications and even to our satellites - which would of made war impossible to win for the US. This was and is TREASON at the Highest Level.
China had control and access to our Aviations, Communications and even our Satellites. This was all planned over many decades but the renegade years were the 8 years of Obama.
The final events are not known for sure but from the research that they discovered there was to be a war that impacted on US Soil - most of it would of been fought by Assets Owned and Operated by the Deep State. The strategic sites were to be mostly Red (republican) States. The constitution would of been suspended which would of opened the door for Socialism and Communism to overtake all of America.
This is why Trump rebuilt the Military. When Hillary was to be elected there was to be a limited war on US soil and the blame was to be on Russia with the real enemy assets of the Deep State. This war was to destroy the Red States and allow socialism and communism to take root.
Part of the PLAN was the Coronavirus. COVI-19. The virus is real but the Pandemic was to be created by the Media through FEAR Mongering. NOTE: This was supposed to happen under Hillary Clinton's watch.
The stockpiles of masks and ventilators were empty - there were none.
This was PLANNED exactly this way. This was to increase the Panic Level.
Because when in panic and fear the instigators - the manipulators pulling the strings can instigate draconian rules and take away all constitutional rights - just like the Evil Bush's did in 911 and introducing the Patriot ACT which was so wrong taking away so many American Rights.
The END GAME on this program is the Vaccination Program. A Global Vaccination Program led by the Bill Gates Foundation in coordination with the WHO to introduce a vaccine that would carry an RFID Chip that would be capable of bonding to your RNA - meaning you would NEVER be able to get it out of your System.
Next was the implementation of 5-G on a GLOBAL NETWORK built by Huawei which was to be controlled and operated by the Deep State and the Chinese Communist Party which would allow EVERY Single Person to be placed on the Grid, controlled, monitored and tracked permanently through an AI (Artificial Intelligence System) designed by Google.
When Obama SOLD the United States and sold out the Corporations also. So Obama sold the American Dream and American Liberty. NOW - Trump is bringing those companies that defected to atonement.
A lot of fear about COVID right now and it is unnecessary.
Bottom Line: As many of us question what side is Trump on -- the answer should be clear as he is encouraging GUN Sales during an Epidemic Crisis which is unheard of. Trump is on the Good Side and if it wasn't for Trump it seriously would of been already over as Hillary had planned on Baby Nuking some select states and blaming on Korea and Russia and taking complete control and then when this virus came along -- it would be like taking candy from a baby.
The real fight right now is against the Propaganda that the Mainstream Media is spreading. The world has willingly accepted this pandemic and seem to be willing to self-quarantine themselves in their homes with no resistance. The fight is to free us from the propoganda from the media. The virus is real but the pandemic is just fake... it is a narrative to comply and agree to mass vaccination. We need to realize how much the media has influence on America and how their truth and the real truth differs greatly. The corruption is DEEP. The WHO is a centerpoint of control and they have weaponized medicine. We have to break the control of the Deep State.
Trump is taking back our Sovereignty. He taking back control.
All 50 states have signed on to Federal Emergency which gives Trump more power, but Trump is allowing every bad guy to expose themselves. He is allowing America to see just how corrupt some Governors, Mayors and City Councils are.
We are witnessing a fight to protect our rights.
We the people need to stand up and make it clear...the President is behind us.
This is a fight between Good vs Evil - it is NOT Dems vs Repubs.
The Great Awakening is the realization of what truth is and how we collectively perceive truth. We must realize that our reality is shaped by an agenda of the Deep State that has total control of our media outlets.
Trump is allowing everyone to expose themselves right not - what Governors have sold out to China - what doctors have sold out to Big Pharma. Right now the job of the people are to wake up and fight back and it begins at the County Level. Expose the bad officials at the city and county levels. Fauci has proved himself to be a Deep State Puppet -- and has clearly exposed himself by which side he is truly on - he wants vaccinations world wide and now has gone with the Fake Studies saying Chloroquine doesn't work -- but we all know from world testimonies that it really does work. Trump will allow him to continue to expose himself as he is just truly a Moron.
Have Faith - it could be a lot worse right now and people would be losing their assets, land, homes, etc if Hillary would of won.
Our Country under Obama was literally sold.
There were purchases media and stories instead of Journalism.
The Media is the main weapon against the people of the world.
Obama administration signed the rights to Eminent Domain to CHINA. Can you believe this? China was given the Right to purchase ANY Federally controlled land for ANY Purpose. This should be considered TREASON by Obama. The Obama administration actually encouraged the purchase of corporations by China. So China began buying enough shares to take Control of Corporations - the 8 years of Obama administration was the highest transfer of wealth to China in history. The Obama admin was the most treasonous administration in US History.
They begain buying 30 or 40% of coporate shares that didn't need Government approval - so by doing this they took control / influence over what these corporations developed and for who.
Investors just were pulled in and forced to go along with the corporations that were no longer owned by America.
All of this was to end with the final 8 years of HIllary Clinton as President.
China's Communist Party and the Deep State are Synomynous
The plan was to shift the world headquarters to China when Hillary became President and to collapse the dollar to a point where the world would of begged for any replacement currency... yes, this was Obama's and Hillary's plan.
They wanted the Chinese Yuan to be the main currency of the world.
Obama had so significantly weakened the US Military that we wouldn't be able to defend ourselves against China and even Russia.
ALL of our Military Secrets had been compromised and given away. Our military would of been at the mercy of an enemy that knew our every move
Obama allowed China to digitally put backdoors in ALL of our electronics - they had access to ALL our communications and even to our satellites - which would of made war impossible to win for the US. This was and is TREASON at the Highest Level.
China had control and access to our Aviations, Communications and even our Satellites. This was all planned over many decades but the renegade years were the 8 years of Obama.
The final events are not known for sure but from the research that they discovered there was to be a war that impacted on US Soil - most of it would of been fought by Assets Owned and Operated by the Deep State. The strategic sites were to be mostly Red (republican) States. The constitution would of been suspended which would of opened the door for Socialism and Communism to overtake all of America.
This is why Trump rebuilt the Military. When Hillary was to be elected there was to be a limited war on US soil and the blame was to be on Russia with the real enemy assets of the Deep State. This war was to destroy the Red States and allow socialism and communism to take root.
Part of the PLAN was the Coronavirus. COVI-19. The virus is real but the Pandemic was to be created by the Media through FEAR Mongering. NOTE: This was supposed to happen under Hillary Clinton's watch.
The stockpiles of masks and ventilators were empty - there were none.
This was PLANNED exactly this way. This was to increase the Panic Level.
Because when in panic and fear the instigators - the manipulators pulling the strings can instigate draconian rules and take away all constitutional rights - just like the Evil Bush's did in 911 and introducing the Patriot ACT which was so wrong taking away so many American Rights.
The END GAME on this program is the Vaccination Program. A Global Vaccination Program led by the Bill Gates Foundation in coordination with the WHO to introduce a vaccine that would carry an RFID Chip that would be capable of bonding to your RNA - meaning you would NEVER be able to get it out of your System.
Next was the implementation of 5-G on a GLOBAL NETWORK built by Huawei which was to be controlled and operated by the Deep State and the Chinese Communist Party which would allow EVERY Single Person to be placed on the Grid, controlled, monitored and tracked permanently through an AI (Artificial Intelligence System) designed by Google.
When Obama SOLD the United States and sold out the Corporations also. So Obama sold the American Dream and American Liberty. NOW - Trump is bringing those companies that defected to atonement.
A lot of fear about COVID right now and it is unnecessary.
Bottom Line: As many of us question what side is Trump on -- the answer should be clear as he is encouraging GUN Sales during an Epidemic Crisis which is unheard of. Trump is on the Good Side and if it wasn't for Trump it seriously would of been already over as Hillary had planned on Baby Nuking some select states and blaming on Korea and Russia and taking complete control and then when this virus came along -- it would be like taking candy from a baby.
The real fight right now is against the Propaganda that the Mainstream Media is spreading. The world has willingly accepted this pandemic and seem to be willing to self-quarantine themselves in their homes with no resistance. The fight is to free us from the propoganda from the media. The virus is real but the pandemic is just fake... it is a narrative to comply and agree to mass vaccination. We need to realize how much the media has influence on America and how their truth and the real truth differs greatly. The corruption is DEEP. The WHO is a centerpoint of control and they have weaponized medicine. We have to break the control of the Deep State.
Trump is taking back our Sovereignty. He taking back control.
All 50 states have signed on to Federal Emergency which gives Trump more power, but Trump is allowing every bad guy to expose themselves. He is allowing America to see just how corrupt some Governors, Mayors and City Councils are.
We are witnessing a fight to protect our rights.
We the people need to stand up and make it clear...the President is behind us.
This is a fight between Good vs Evil - it is NOT Dems vs Repubs.
The Great Awakening is the realization of what truth is and how we collectively perceive truth. We must realize that our reality is shaped by an agenda of the Deep State that has total control of our media outlets.
Trump is allowing everyone to expose themselves right not - what Governors have sold out to China - what doctors have sold out to Big Pharma. Right now the job of the people are to wake up and fight back and it begins at the County Level. Expose the bad officials at the city and county levels. Fauci has proved himself to be a Deep State Puppet -- and has clearly exposed himself by which side he is truly on - he wants vaccinations world wide and now has gone with the Fake Studies saying Chloroquine doesn't work -- but we all know from world testimonies that it really does work. Trump will allow him to continue to expose himself as he is just truly a Moron.
Have Faith - it could be a lot worse right now and people would be losing their assets, land, homes, etc if Hillary would of won.
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