This site will contain information and videos from Charlie Ward and Charlie Freak and contain interviews that they do with each other and many others like Robert David Steele and Sacha Stone and many more.
Robert David Steel, Charlie Ward and Charlie Freak - good discussion.
A Pair of Charlies: Charlie Freak and Charlie Ward - Know the Truth. Both of these guys claim to receive inside information from different sources that appear to match up... just remember - this is a big world and I try to get sources from all around and sometimes they don't add up or match - and a lot of times the insiders they are getting their info from are not quite high enough on the chain of command and are fed a lot of lies - that is just the way the intelligence business really is. I have learned this from studying it and observing many "inside" reports for over the past decade. Sometimes there are so many versions of the truth that I believe the actual truth can be lost. But these guys are very hot right now in Mid August and they definitely provide HOPE, but I "hope" that isn't their job. Just remember to not develop a belief system in all of this and try to find as many sources as you can - Mainstream Media is not going to ever help you find the truth...which is why I created this Source site to provide many ways to learn how the world works, how the Zionist Jews run the world and who is winning the war.
Why do they call it COVID-19? Corona - means crown, they were going to Crown themselves as Kings of the World. The 19 is Because it is 19 years after 911. Charlie Ward was told about this Coronavirus Hoax was going to happen six years ago and some other times in between. This is a Smokescreen to Cover up the GLOBAL Reset. One of the MAIN Adrenochrome labs is that very lab in Wuhan, China that was supported by Dr. Fauci with the $3.5 Million. Very suspicious. $3.7 Million was taken was confidential top secret viral research - this was PERSONALLY signed by Obama, Biden and Fauci.
The children are stolen away from Red Cross or CPS or they are specifically bred. The UN is in on this. All of this money that they create out of thin air to control us - the monopoly money has allowed them to do things that are unbelievable. They have invested into weather modulation - they can create hurricanes and all kinds of weather. They can even Push the Hurricanes to where they want them to hit. They all magically miss Epstein's island. All of these islands are Protected. The UN peacekeepers come to tragedies to steal the children. They even go and talk mothers into abortions and they offer a great deal of money to a mother for a child.
MI-13 - they are an organization that also participates in stealing children.
Mainstream medias have no desire to tell the truth as they are flat out paid for - they are very well taken care of. Most people when hearing this will for the first time will say this is a conspiracy.
Charlie Freak: Anderson Cooper was literaly raised in torture and sodomy. Then he is hired by CNN to tell the truth according to the cabal. He has no idea what the truth is and he is a victim of a horrible evil luciferian cult / cabal. These families put their children through this so they are willing participants to carry on the cult rituals as adults. The destroy the intuition right out of the children.
Bill Gates is the same way.
Charlie Ward: Says he knows someone who met Bill Gates and they said they have never met anyone with more evil in their eyes. They just have dead eyes.
Charlie Ward: "When I was told six years ago that this was going to happen, they said they were going to get Trump into power and I didn't believe them. Two years ago they said now we've got Boris Johnson in power in UK and when they went out of the European Union that is when we are going to start they said. " 30 Minute Mark to around 31 mark. They said they are going to collapse the four corners of the world economy. All with a virus that is no worse than the common cold. It just shows you if you have corrupt mainstream media on your side, what you really can do.
Now to talk about the Currency Reset. We are starting to see the USD go to USN - United States Note - the introduction of the Quantum Financial System and the Digital Currency System. It will be like Block chain with the exception that there WILL still be cash and as far as any difference Americans will notice - it will just look like a New $100 Bill - but it will be backed by Gold.
Charlie Freak: Both the Trump family and the Kennedy families are DEEPLY involved in all of this. Robert Kennedy Jr who is just ripped and discredited by mainstream all of the time is playing a very critical role in all of this right now. Robert's view is that he is pro-vaccine but wants a vaccine that is proven to be both safe and effective. So Robert gets nailed by both sides as he is right in the middle of something that is viewed as black and white. Robert also said that if we allow 5-G it will be our undoing and this is exactly what he said.
Charlie Freak: The cabal trusts the military the very least. When they gave the NSA the capacity to spy on the world the NSA discovered that the Cabal used the same smart phones - their calls are routed through the same system and the same carriers as everyone elses and we can have everything on them that they do. When Q says that they have it all -- they mean - THEY HAVE IT ALL!
Everyone who gets called up is going down, everyone who goes to court will be found guilty as they truly have the evidence. For the ones that skin children, torture children, rape children, kill children for adrenochrome, there is no prision punishment, the punishment will be death. Our job as civilians is to provide an early meeting with the creator and the creator will be the judge.
Charlie Freak: Do NOT Worry about 5-G now, they are completed owned and are being fitted - the Trump train is in control now. We will not be chipped, microwaved, or vaccinated.
When this is all over there will be Sleep Walkers - those who have not woke up. Don't wake a sleep walker up as they can be dangerous. We have ALL been MK-Ultra'd. Some can wake up but some cannot.
ALL 5-G towers have been reconverted into what is called TESLA towers. These will tie into the Gold Standard in a way no one can imagine. Trump will share things that we think are never possible. *Comment: I do NOT believe this for ONE single second - I call MAJOR Bullshit on this one.
Theresa May assassination is canceled now - when Trump went to the Eu he brought very detailed information from the NSA in which demonstrated to her that they wanted to kill her. She was terrified, she cried and cried that they didn't like her and wanted her dead and then resigned. They showeed her that they wanted Boris Johnson and they got him. Boris Johnson is playing a ROLE - yes, he may appear as he is one evil bastard and the worst leader ever, but he is acting and playing a very important role in all of this. He has been told to create confusion and fear and he has done this in a grand style. He is in constant contact with Trump.
Charlie Freak: According to CF - Kathy Griffin is actually Gloria Vanderbilt's son - she wanted a daughter so bad. *This is the first time I have heard this. Of course Anderson Cooper is her brother and Gloria's son - she desperately wanted Anderson to be a girl.
CF: Walter Cronkite liked to hunt children. *First time I heard this one also.
CW: Macaulay Culkin - went to Epstein island where he saw the entire crowd of politicians, movie stars, lawyers, judges, Presidents. He managed to get away from it all - he did turn to alcohol because he knew that he couldn't tell ANYONE because they ALL were involved. Feel bad for this guy.
CF: Wuhan was to be the Central Hub Headquarters for Walmart. Walmart acquired Maris Shipping. They made Wuhan a port for a reason. Mainstream media makes it appear that China is crowded and you run into someone every 4 feet...this is the exact opposite in Mainland China as there is plenty of room for more people. This one child per family in China is a ruse for child trafficking and Adrenochrome Harvesting in plain sight and we were all blind to this. This is why Maris Shipping line for Walmart goes directly up river all the way to Wuhan and all those containers of Adrenochrome are put directly on those ships - it is a tiny group that is dealing with the cargo that Walmart ships. Walmart was created to disseminate children and product right into downtown Europe, downtown USA and the most observed places in the world, and no one blinks because it is Walmart. It is an Evil Empire.
CW: The question is - how much will we ever find, I heard from my sources that we will only find out about 20% because the rest will be too scary.
CF: It will be a LONG time down the road because the lies that have been institutionalized on the average person that every single family takes for granted in the world today - this in itself would make people sick for a month. The you find out about adrenochrome and the children and who did and some of the things they did - that may be too much for some people to accept or take in.
CW: I've watched videos that you can't find on Youtube and the one that Hillary Clinton is involved in I couln't watch for more that a minute as it was disgustingly horrific. I would highly recommend that you don't even look at it because it is incredibly disturbing. If you love children that's the last thing you want to see, but maybe you will need something like that to wake up.
CF: For about a two and a half year period about everything we saw from North Korea was a movie and the reason is that they were doing this to hone in their skills -- after the COVID-19 takeover, beginning in 2021 we were going to get almost NOTHING real and it is bad right now, but nothing would be real. Everything was going to be fakes and the reason is to damage the inner mechanism in our heads of what is real and what isn't real. BUT - a lot of people are already damaged as they have established some deep belief systems about certain things that are filled fictitious lies. The Zapruder Film is a fake that has things inserted and things removed. A lot of the doctoring of that footage was occurring at Lookout Mountain by the CIA in LA also at Laurel Canyon.
CF: Don't believe what you are hearing about Tom Hanks and this footage in Greece about their Citizenship as this occurred in 2018. CNN - the fake news that they are had already released this twice before. In the case of Tom Hanks - they could not protect children and keep this monster alive so they executed him. Where did this story come from or orignate? CNN -- OKAY, that should tell you everything right there - they truly are Fake News and every once in a while they slip something truthful in - but not often. They are re-releasing this now to give you the illusion that he is still alive and well to cause confusion.
CF: Regarding NESSARA / GESSARA -- it will be released gradually as we don't possess the peace of mind to deal with all that would be handed back to us and that is essentially what Nessara is - giving back to us what God gave us. There will be NO Usery - or Debts with Interest. Most countries in the historic past outlawed usery but the Pheonicians used the or blamed the Jews as the bad people - but it was the Pheonicians who wanted to control the Monetary system with usery.
END of Interview of Charlie Freek and Charlie Ward.
*Comment: August 8, 2020 I posted a posted on Charlie Ward's FB page regarding my information that I found on Trump being a total puppet and he was groomed to play the role he is playing. Also - info that Trump could fake his own death and of course the mainstream would run with this - about how the Zionist Jews offered this role to trump. This got immediate attention and almost everyone agreed with my great surprise that they finally are coming to the conclusion that our President is using and playing us for fools. Well, Charlie Ward deleted my post. This post was talking about TRUTH, - the evidence I have - just like the so called evidence he claims to have. This makes me question if he doesn't want people to know the truth, if he is part of this huge game to spread propaganda or if he just didn't agree with me. It would of helped if he would at least have the courteousy to tell me why he felt the need to delete some great conversations we were having. All I know is that there have been way too many insiders that say they say the entire Trump plan and how he accepted his role. So yes, when Trump say he was chosen -- it wasn't by God but it was by the Zionists. ALL elections are rigged - it will literally take an act from GOD to rid the evil from this planet.

The “coment” at the end is priceless!! So, Russell ... please ... what’s the truth? Are you going to negotiate something out with DJT? You have the power, but you cannot rule the world all by yourself, can you? Geeeezzzz ... you have it really difficult :-(
ReplyDeletePlease, keep us posted. ;-D
That wasn't Russell making the comment at the end, but it appears you have done your research from your own comment... I heard he (Russell) has tried to get in contact with Trump Admin but they won't give him the time of day. There are two sides telling stories and both make convincing statements. Evil appears to be surrounding the world and who can you really trust - all the politicians appear to have capitulated to the New World Order - which is the Zionist Jewish Elite that call us all Goyims or Chattel - the man with the true legal power should be Russell, but the Conglomerates ate him up and illegally threw him in jail and tortured him to give up the Title IV Flag -- which he took the beatings and he would never give it up. Now he has developed a true Quantum Financial System but it appears the "Elite" Rothschild's (Zionists) have stolen some of the technology to make their own version. The only hope may be Trump actually being a true good human being because all the Liberal Elite Dems have signed up with the NWO to destroy America but they can literally look right into that camera and lie their faces off time and time again. Unreal.