Why did Trump sign the 5-G Bill. H.R. 2881 5-G and Beyond Act of 2020.
All the indictment crap doesn't matter but 5-G, Vaccinations and Chemtrails DO! That is how I am measuring President Trump. As many say he is a Zionist Puppet - I don't know, but I do know that they - the zionists control the United States and have for a very long time now and I also know that they want to "thin the herd" as they themselves say.
We are just chattel - they call us goyims which means Gentile or Non-Jew and they are the ones who instruct our puppet politicians who enjoy their money they receive to write ALL our laws and bills.
We are truly Slaves to these masters as they call themselves. Maybe we are all looking at the smoke instead of the real fire that could cook us all?
I am beginning to lean that Trump just may be playing us all and according two a couple inside whisteblowers who saw the document or the script in which was displayed to Trump to play a role as President they say he accepted with excitement and loved "the plan." Sound familiar?? The plan? Q.
I don't know if we even have a choice right now, it is trust in Trump or we all either die or are slaves forever. The Dems are 100% owned by the Jews - all of them have signed on to the plan for money and promises of course. What is scary is that I heard most of the Republicans were signed on also - so if Trump is signed on also, we are doomed. Trump has a chance to be the Hero of the World - will he choose Good over Evil?
The problem is that the Satanists truly believe that sacrificing little children is a "Good" act. So their interpretation of good is our view of evil.
Jared Kushner is 100% a Jew and is one of the elite of the elite that very few are aware of and this is what is very, very scary. I am beginning to have serious doubts about Trump. I think that ALL the politicians are corrupt, every last one of them... but Trump is the only hope for the world and according to the "role" - hope is what he was supposed to brainwash us "Awakened" with.
Please go through all the sources on the Home Source page and begin connecting dots and putting pieces of this complex puzzle together.

Trump is doing what it says on the tin, saving the world. Shame that cannot be said of other arrogant self serving people, eh Jay?