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The TRUTH about HEALTH - Answers to Questions you will not find Anywhere on the Internet - must see.
Trump Takes Over Federal Reserve
This was a post of Facebook by Learie Jordan replying to my post and it is well written and fairly easy to comprehend.
It does, but it's more than that. We are in the middle of a total economic reset. I posted an analysis about this the other day when I was able to confirm the Treasury consumed the FED on Wednesday. Since I know too many didn’t see it because of Fakebook censorship. Here it is again.
Old Fed - [They] OWNED the secured assets & interest on our $22T debt while our US Treasury OWED all the $22T debt.
New Fed - US Treasury will OWN the secured assets & interest on our $22T debt & the Fed will OWE all the $22T debt.
This will take a few months.
For example, our Treasury will now treat the New Fed like the NYSE. A broker of sorts that owns no collateral. It just processes transactions for our Treasury for micro fees.
The KEY is that our Treasury will hold the collateral on debt & not the Fed. That makes debt our asset.
So when our Treasury loans money to a company like Goldman, it receives a convertible note as equity. If the company fails to pay, our Treasury converts debt to equity and owns a big chunk of Goldman. Old way let the Fed own the convertible note. Outrageous. Those days are dead.
Even better, out of the $22T in debt, about $6T could be waived immediately because it is a non-marketable security owed internally to another branch of government. I expect all non-marketable debt to disappear over time. Just simply remove it from the Treasury balance sheet.
Since the New Fed will be a clearinghouse of sorts, and since we clearly now have control of it, we can force nations to remove their deep state in exchange for a chance to participate in this new era of debt freedom. Iran, NK & other rogue nations will play ball for debt relief.
Never forget that the Fed used blackmail and coercion to convince our Congress to vote them into existence over 100 years ago. And they never stopped using the same tactic to make sure no law was ever passed to legally remove them from power. Until today.
Now ask yourself what entity funded the creation of the Fed in the first place. And what same entity has people pay them to freely confess their sins to a non-paid employee only to allow their mafia branch to then blackmail that same person into submission.
In summary: Less debt on Treasury balance sheet means less interest payments. And it frees up trillions to remove debt from college students, mortgage interest, car loans, corporate debt, which stimulates the economy to create jobs which generates more tax revenue which means lower taxes. And, best of all, a return to the Gold Standard.
Do you realize that POTUS now has TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS and ONE MILLION troops at his disposal, along with a huge approval rating? Would you say GAME OVER!!!
Trump can reallocate funds as he sees fit, by law. This stimulus is NOT a budget. We already have a budget. Think National Emergency.
Signing statement says Trump will ignore requirements that congressional committees be consulted before reallocating funds. He can and will do that, which is why he signed what the FRAUDS submitted without a fight.
President Trump has approved the call up of over 1,000,000 Reserve troops
Everything is coming together for POTUS to unleash the Storm!
PANIC: Patriots Are Now In Control
GOD WINS!!! America Wins. And as America goes, so goes the World.
END of Trump has taken over the Federal Reserve.

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– Anthony William – Life Changing Foods
– Anthony William – Liver Rescue
– Anthony William – Thyroid Healing
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