War Castles - Military Insider - Robert-Leroy:Horton -PART I Updated Version -- TRANSCRIPT -- The Greatest Hidden Secret in American History
Interview with Russell-Jay:Gould
Assassination Attempts on Donald J. Trump
Fall of the Cabal - must see for everyone.
Out of the Shadows -- a must see for everyone.
Benjamin Fulford - one of my favorite Sources that I have followed for around 12 years. Benjamin knows what is going on all around the world.
Soleste Solum - The Beast is here
Jeffrey Epsteins Driver Confession
SEX Slave Tells All
Page 2 - best sources - added 7-19-2020
Bill Gates - FUNVAX - briefing to CIA - unbelievable! 7-20-2020 - if you watch nothing else - watch this!
Obama - 15th Wealthiest man on Planet - 7-20-2020
Former Free Mason blows the Whistle - Must see
COVID-19 - is a LIVE Exercise - Must See
TRUMP - The REAL Reason he was elected. This may be quite surprising.
The HOLY GRAIL - that proves COVID-19 is a smokescreen designed to steer people to the end game - the Vaccination.
Eisenhower Treaty with Grey Aliens in 1954
WHY? The world has gone crazy in 2020
The TRUTH about HEALTH - Answers to Questions you will not find Anywhere on the Internet - must see.
Make sure to scroll all the way to the bottom to see everything.
Sources to Research: The Journey to the AWAKENING!
"Reality Changes when enough People Believe in something."
Robert David Steele interview with Benjamin Fulford -2020. Will post much, much more on both of these gentlemen.
Topics include Steven Spielberg, Tom Hanks, Prince Andrew, Joe Biden, Bill Clinton, Oprah, Ellen, Quentin Tarantino, Charlie Sheen, Bob Saget, John Travolka and Charles Barkley all who had associations with Jeffry Epstein. Epstein was able to make a deal to fake his death in exchange for his testimony. CEO's in global industry have been indicted or arrested and many have been forced to resign. There will be hundreds more to follow in the next six months. The cornovirus that was lab made for one specific purpose and that is mandatory vaccination. It is the Largest Intel Operation that the world has ever seen. This operation will lead to 158,000 arrests will be the most evil and corrupt in history. It will include CEO's, Hollywood movie stars, George Soros and UN Officials. President Trump will win the 2020 election and in early 2021 the former US Presidents will be arrested. All major arrests will be portrayed by the media as accidental or conspiracy theory. All those arrested will receive he rommel death in which they will have a choice of a public trial or death as labeled suicide to keep their reputations in tact. Some religious leaders will be arrested or suddenly "fall ill". The Vatican will be the first and the Pope will be removed in 2020. Adrenochrome will be revealed as well as the Vatican and Hollywood. There will be a TWO month shutdown of World Operations - schools, stock exchange, some banks, airports, shipping, events, sports games, award ceremonies. There will be food shortages and staged power outages. Gas prices will fall, insurance and food prices will rise. Gold and Silver stocks will fall and many companies will either go bankrupt or will suffer financial loss as in the cases of Air Canada, Disney, Coca Cola. CIA unconfirmed sources says Nancy Pelosi will die?? The Coronavirus will be the cause of death when the announcement is made. Steve Mnuchin may be removed as they say he knows too much of what has happened such as theft of the US Treasury. Boeing company will go under, they will be finished. The sale of aircraft has already been stopped. Boeing will bring down Lockhead Martin. This will bring down the Cabal and oil can fall as low as $5 per barrel. New technologies will be released. Humanity will awaken from the chains that have enslaved them and will come to realize the control the Khazarian Cabal has had on us. **NOTE: Benjamin has many sources and many of them give him false information, that is just how it works - so unfortunately some of this may be untrue. Just hope a fraction of this comes true.
The US is now a Failed State -- Added on 8/14/2020. Summary: The US went bankrupt in February of 2020. According to Federal Reserve the United States has about $200 Trillion in Liabilities. According to Atlanta Fed Reserve the Gross Domestic Product has decreased by half down to $10 trillion. That would mean that if all Americans spend half their salaries on debt it would take 400 years to pay off the debt. Yes, it is that bad.
As an MI5 Source said "America is finished." Cost of living standards have been dropping for 90% of Americans since the 1970's.
All the media does is lie. Democracy has not existed since George Bush jr sole the 1999 election.
American needs to declare bankruptcy which would wipe out debt, but Trump refuses to admit this is any problem at all. In fact Trump has nationalized the Federal Reserve and hands money to the Corporations and the people directly.
This may work domestically for some time but not overseas as countries are no longer accepting American Credit and they want cash or gold -- this is the reason why you see EMPTY shelves at the stores. The United States has no one buying the debt thus they have no way of purchasing goods from other countries.
The rest of the world - Japan and China are WILLING to write off the debt but they both want a world FREE of Babylonian Debt Slavery of the Khazarian Mafia.
The Rockefellers lost their control on America when Hillary lost the election.
The United States is still under control of satan worshipers like Jared Kushner, Benjamin Netanyahu and the Rothschild's.
Kushner bought the property of 666 5th Ave where they devolp implantable microchips as he wants everyone to be chipped.
Every time Trump filed for Bankruptcy he was bailed out by the Rothschild's.
America continues to be attacked by vaccinations, 5-G and Chemtrails. According to the NSA the vaccines contain microchips that can be activated by 5-G radiation frequencies.
America is ENSLAVED with DEBTS. There has been NO release of hidden technology or the secret space program but Trump created the Space Force - which has done nothing.
There is a group that would like the United States and Canada to combine. The proposal calls for a complete write off of debts - a Jubilee. It also calls for a ONE time Asset Redistribution so that each North American Household would own their own home and have what is equivalent to $400,000 in assets. There would be a one time amnesty of non-violent criminals - which includes 47% of them in jail on Federal Drug charges.
There would be a breakup of the Media controlled Khazarian Mafia - so we would for the first time in history have an honest media.
The problem is understanding where Trump and Kushner really stand - and who they are being controlled by.
Military Industrial Complex Threatens to Wipe Japan off the Map - note - this particular video is back from around 2008 I believe. The White Dragons are Earth Defense Forces and they are White Hats that believe in righteousness and fairness and are very compassionate and loving people. When they decide to go after these guys, they will likely get them - they are giving fair warning and offering them freedom if they stop their evil ways now, but of course they just laughed at them like they were a pestering fly on the wall. I believe these White Dragons are helping destroy evil right now as a worldwide operation is going on in the DUMBS - Deep Underground Military Bases around the Earth.
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