Best Sources - Page 2
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War Castles - Military Insider - Robert-Leroy:Horton -PART I Updated Version -- TRANSCRIPT -- The Greatest Hidden Secret in American History
A Interview with Russell-Jay:Gould
Assassination Attempts on Donald J. Trump
Celeste B Solum - The Beast is here
Jeffrey Epsteins Driver Confession
SEX Slave Tells All
The TRUTH about HEALTH - Answers to Questions you will not find Anywhere on the Internet - must see.

Awakening Cosmic Reality Show – focuses on the Secret Space Program and the technologies they are hiding from us. This is VERY DEEP also as the heirarchy of authority is difficult to comprehend --- it is about as difficult as the Deep State here on Earth. I am going to make a website page focusing just on this. Awakening Cosmis Reality Show -- Ileana's Youtube Channel
Celeste B Solum - The Beast is here! 71320
– This may blow some people away but it is verified that she did in fact work for FEMA for a long time.
you get tested you are receiving the Hydro-Gel with the TEST. They
will want to test you over and over to get this Hydro-Gel injected
into the body. When you do the tests it is injecting the DNA of
Satan. This is what is getting injecting into the body and it turns
you from a Human into something that is unrecognizable to Jesus. They
want to genetically modify all life forms on Earth. Why? So they can
patent the people – they cannot patent anything that God creates.
The Coronavirus
not a virus as we know it. It is a Nano
Biological Synthetic Particle that
is hollow and inside the payload can contain a virus, fungus,
bacteria, parasite, demons or other forms of DNA. They have a
mission that can be a precision strike against the body or can be
against an ethic race – if you are non-compliant to a vaccine. We
are saturated with these nano-particles right now. This technology
exists as confirmed by true scientists. Some people will not respond
to treatment – as the nano-particles clog the lungs causing some
bleeding and these synthetic particles can reproduce and can
shapeshift at the command of the person who created them… there is
NO vaccine known to man. It is not really a virus or a bacteria but
has a Nano-Particle – with 3-D printing capability and can do a
virus one day and a bacteria another day. It is half biological and
half robotic. Coronavirus vaccine constructs are there for a
behavior modification model only. The PYTHON language is literally
snake language that has commands, scripts and two different parts to
this Augur – an official diviner of Ancient Rome – the prophecy
of Daniel it was a stone not cut by human hands. The beast is
animated and comes to life using Fallen Angel Technology – with the
use of Python language – snake language which they have perfected.
They have coded the language and words – like masks – they have
“weaponized” it and the more the media repeats it the more of a
trance people can go into with the belief that they MUST have masks.
The vaccine they want to administer will carry the DNA of Fallen
Angels that they believe will result in physical and eternal death.
Once injected with the Nano-Synthetic Biological material NOTHING
will be able to protect you. There are two Beasts in the Book of
Revelations and the first one comes out of the abyss of the sea. The
second one comes out of the Earth and directs all humans to obey and
worship the first. DNA Mutations can come from God – through
nature, for instance right now we are at High Cosmic Rays – the
highest it has been at in 400 years. This is due to the Lord’s
cycles (not sure what this means) and his Judgment. Another way of
mutation is by Weaponized Engineered Bioweapons made by man. Once
again, masks are a part of this coding and Dr. Fauci just said that
masks really do not prevent infectious disease but it is a gesture of
showing respect, what this is saying is that masks are not about
protection but you FOLLOWING ORDERS and bowing down. Think about
this the next time someone tries to force you to wear a mask. There
are 3-D Masks that are currently being prepared for us that are going
to yolk you IMAGE and link it up with your currency and your
healthcare. This is REAL Time Artificial Intelligence. We all need
to wake up now, Why? Because we will need to make some wise
decisions. The fires in Australia were by American Jets that had
“Witchcraft” – (do not understand as this is first time I have
ever heard about some of this stuff) and in American there have been
7 Million Drones along with Satellites and they are using this
GeoMancer technolgy – using Witchcraft and they are Casting Spells
over the whole Earth. The whole planet has become this web of spells
directed at people of faith in God. The Vaccine is a Behavioral
Modification Mechanism – has NOTHING to do with helping the body
and they are using FEAR to lure us into their spells. They are
monitoring the mutagenesis (mutations) of this Nano Synthetic
Bioweapon by Augur on nextstrain.com. The Nano Synthetic Bioweapon
or what the media calls COVID-19 has Clades – if this was a virus
clades could indicate different forms of strains. There are 5
Clades:19A and
19B emerged in Wuhan and have been dominating the early outbreak –
20A emerged from 19A out of dominated the European outbreak in March
and has since spread globally – 20B and 20C are large genetically
distinct subclades 20A.
Added July 15, 2020.
– Real time tracking of Pathogen Evolution. You can see that
different pathogens were released in different parts of the world. So
what hit China is different from what hit the Europe and what hit the
United States is different than what hit other countries. Added on
July 15, 2020.
– Celeste
Solum –
referring specifically to this blog article from Celeste Solum -
some wild stuff here folks. I have been researching for the truth
for 20 years and about 11 years in the political field but some of
this stuff is WAY out there. At the bottom it describes how they
design their pathogens. I take a neutral view and have NO belief
system established regarding this. Added July 15, 2020.
A Plane Truth 5 – one of the best ones to follow on Youtube. Just discovered this one and will likely have many more of his individual .
Interview with Celeste Solum ~ Aerosol V's, and Bioweaponized Testing by APlaneTruth5 -
Summary: Celeste as mentioned above is a top 10 source for sure right now. She has a LOT of inside knowledge. Will add more text about this video soon. Celeste knows how to read the Federal Registry as she worked in FEMA for years. There is evil things going on... Celeste spends hours researching everyday. Please check out her blog https://shepherdsheart.life/blogs/news as she puts a lot of work into all this. Celeste was inside FEMA and Homeland security for 20 years so she has learned quite a bit about how the registry works. The United States sent over some sophisticated jets to Australia and they used Geomancy and used a program called Spellbooks -- as they were supposedly fighting fires they were Casting Spells over all of Australia. A couple months ago all the Witches were marching against Trump. There is a huge element of witchcraft we are facing. They are using frequency modulation -- why are American Jets with Witchcraft capability going to Australia to help them with wild fires. Then suddenly we went smack into the virus and now we are heading into Lockdown 2.0. Frequency Modulation devices - to change our moods in crowds and they are using this. All this time they have been mentally preparing us for a vaccine -- but there are many ways that they can give us the vaccine without our consent - they can do it in the air with Aerosol or they can use Hydro-gel which is nano particles that enter into the body and begin to fuse to your tissue, your blood cells, your bones -- so this is not like the old days of Microchips - you cannot take it out. DARPA was the organization who was working on the Hydro-Gel technology and you can also call it Quantum Dot technology. This technology makes you ONE with Artificial Intelligence - can make you one with the devices - it can actually make you into a Synthetic Being. They fuse to your bones, tendons, just everything, skin cells, blood cells and it makes you one with the Internet. You are your own Internet AI Interface. We don't know how much it will take before we start to turn into a synthetic being. The pathogen is NOT a virus - it is a construct - it is a biological robotic construct which is hollow inside which inside it can carry a payload - a chemical, an explosive, a parasite, virus, an evil curse, a demon, a fungus or a bacteria. These things are commanded and ordered to do certain missions and they can target down to our individual cells or they can go all the way up to everyone that is Native American or anyone that believes in God. The Gov calls this a Synthetic-Biological -- it is Bio-Accumulative in our bodies and it actually grows in our bodies-- it does not go out of the body - it is there for life and they want us to get tested every 30 days and this inserts more and more quantum dots or the hydro-gel - it is IN the tests - if we get enough of it we will become a Synthetic Entitiy and will lose our Soul. Celeste does provide links to most of her work. Look this article up "Bill Gates Using Luciferase in his Implantabl Vaccine Delivery System Sparks Illuminati 666 Theory" - he did put this code into the patent. They flat out are coming for us in the Spiritual Realm here and they are being obvious. The goal is to get us in a D wave pattern so we can be completely synced with their computer networks and they can basically turn us into robots. The Asilomar Conferences is in Monterey and they discuss DNA biotech and have some pretty dark things happening there and they also discuss how biotech will be regulated. Gov has tens of thousands if not millions of MK-Ultra's that are implanted with these evil syn-bio constructs and they can be triggered and controlled. The Luciferian Cabal just thinks there are too many people. Why are the patents important? In 1975 in Monterey they made the decision to Genetically Modify ALL Life on Earth. Every single life on Earth. The second was in 2010 and that was The Geo-engineering one. The last one was 2018 and it was the framework for AI to manage the planet. The reason to GMO life is because you cannot patent something that is Natural. This makes anyone patentable and can be bought and sold and can say who lives and who dies. They can patent life if it is not natural. We become Chatel material. They knew that the First Wave of these Nano Particles that they would cause symptoms that people have never experienced before and it would cause Fatigue and Disability as the nano particles flood the body. The Second Wave we are going to see some Significant Deaths and some people will die like they did in China and it depends on the command of the Nano Particle. The pathogen particle is not the same around the world and it varies. Go to www.nextstrain.org to follow the different functions. Within the hollow sphere it can carry HIV or Ebola - they put different combinations in these nano particles and the they can be controlled. We are also going to experience INCREASED Lockdown in the Second Wave. Masks in the bible are affiliated with infidelity and lawlessness. The masks can change peoples personalities. There will be mental fracturing. They spent most amount of money to fight information of truth and they all ruled out mental health as they knew people were going to crack as families cannot see each other, friends cannot see each other and wearing a mask is a sign of submission. The mask may be the first stage of something more to come. Movies have been made about this -- the technology has been hidden from us for hundreds of years- free energy for 300 years, they can literally re-write our nervous system. What happens is that chemtrails spew out there poisons and we inhale them into our body and we can develop what is called Morgellons Disease in which our body produces what they call morgellons fibers and these fibers are of differnt colors and different frequencies so they all have different effects when hit by other frequencies such as 5-G. They can also set the program in these nano particles to only target Asians like they did in Toronto in 2003 with MERS virus. Fruit Bats are going to be on the new Quarters and this change shortage bullshit was planned also. Question to Celeste: Do you think that 5-G will be targeted towards us? These Synthetic-Biologic Nano Particles can be excited by 5G and it can also act as a communication system from the command center - for example, Tom will get MERS, ED will get HIV and Sally will get Ebola. They will want us as confused as possible. The bottom line is they want us sacrificed and they want us to have a great deal of fear. When they execute us they can use our blood. Is this why we are seeing Adrenochrome? Yes. This is childrens blood in a traumatized state. So what is the Gov telling us? Wash our hands, take the test and get ready to take the vaccine. GMO Cotton fibers are driving people crazy. The masks will have to be like 3 layers of heavy flannel. They are heading toward if you get a vaccine you don't need to wear a mask but if you don't get it you have to wear a mask and this makes the non-vaxxers feel bad. You cannot even go visit your loved one. The medical elderly are in nursing homes dying of lonliness. This WHOLE thing is for Show and to Fool the public. They have to look like they are trying to do something for the people but they don't care for the people. This is a mental mind psychological operation. In Spain they took Private hospitals public and it may happen here in the United States. They actually have an ICD Code for Legal Execution of Stabbing a Person with a Sharp Object -- this would be the Vaccination. A few years back the US Gov purchased 30,000 Guillotines, 20 million rounds of bullets and coffins. CERN is bombarding the Earth with Strangelets - very small particles which are said to be matter but can travel through other matter. Right now the the Earth is also under High Frequency Cosmic Rays which there are strangelets hitting and penetrating the Earth. There is also a Galactic Energy that is coming from the center of the Galaxy inward - it hit two of our nearest stars - it hit Pluto and stripped away 20% of pluto's atmosphere and now it is hitting Jupiter and is making its way through our solar system and will hit our sun when solar flares are supposed to be at the highest so this could really cause some energy. Why is blood so important? It is Holy to God, it is God's gift. It contains the most inner secrets of a human being, your calling and when we voluntarily submit our blood to the Government for "testing" but they are running it through Pre-Crime and Post-Crime research. In precision medicine they need your blood because all treatment in the future is going to be based off your blood. They will use it all against you as they will develop weapons specifically for your blood. You are being told one thing and what they use it for is another. They could be using it for Witchcraft. Just say NO if someone asks for blood. You are not just giving up your exemption but you are giving up your children's also. Why wouldn't they just take us out all at once instead of following the Georgia Guidelines and doing it slowly? They want to develop this traumatic fear in people around the world before they execute them so they can use their blood for ritualistic purposes. They feed off the energy of the dying. We all need to make a Vow that they will NEVER own your Soul or your Spirit. One of the last acts of Jesus was to throw over the Bankers table. A lot of people are hurting right now so show come compassion and help them out in some way. People need actual physical touch and not just texting.
have a lot of sources also as well as new information and articles on various
site has tons of articles and videos by Cyrus and the AI
Organization. Great source for true news.
This is why there should be NO Mail in Ballots. U.S. Attorney William M. McSwain Announces Charges and Guilty Plea of Former Philadelphia Judge of Elections Who Committed Election Fraud – then you have Michigan illegally mailing 7.7 million absentee ballots – which is voter fraud. You have Judges that are Deep State that break the law the like this one – Judge DeMuro who was paid to and directed to cheat for the Democrats by admittingly adding fraudulent votes
The Royal Family are Reptilians and need to constantly drink blood to maintain their human form. This will ALL be revealed.
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The Truth about HEALTH - Answers to Questions you will not find Anywhere on the Internet - must see. the medical system is a complete fraud and our doctors have been brainwashed in medical schools around the world and being taught that chemicals are good for the body. They cure nothing - they can help with symptoms but as time passes that very chemical "medicine" will bring on an array of other symptoms in which the trained physician will "label" and then prescribe more chemicals "medicine" to treat those symptoms. Years pass and you have a snowball effect with an array of labeled diseases - but they were all caused by the treatments. We need to wake up to the truth of who has been running our world and what their purpose is. It has NOTHING to do with our well being. Learn the true answers to what really is the cause, what really is the treatment and what really is good for maintaining health once you have restored it.
The Greatest Hidden Secret in American History
End. Updatedd July 19, 2020.
The Royal Family are Reptilians and need to constantly drink blood to maintain their human form. This will ALL be revealed.
This women was bred to be born a slave. The birth was planned and her parents were forced by the high council which there are 6 of 13 councils. It is all about the purity of the blood. The menstrual blood is important for the propagation of the race that run this planet. A gran jury council or the octagon or they are also called the Illuminati. They are run by these 13 bloodline of families. They are reptilians as they need the blood to keep their human form and shape and helps them live in this world. The Serpent power of the blood – it has something in it from the pituitary and pineal gland that has a very strong drug in it that they crave – Adrenochrome – it is like endorphins. They need the blood to be adrenalized so they terrorize their victims so adrenaline can enter the bloodstream so when they are killed – they stare into the eyes of these victims with their hypnotic eyes and they are killed at that moment. When this happens they cannot hold their human shape as they go into the Reptilian shape as it the kill excites them. They will just rip into the victim and begin eating the flesh and the fat from intestinal area they love as it is good for their skin. Their sacrifices have increased since the early 80’s and they use a lot of Holidays to do this. They have mixed satanic holidays and Jew holidays to perform rituals of blood drinking. Why has it increased? There are changes in the Earths vibrations and they need the blood to maintain their human form as it is getting harder to hold the human shape. They want the time to come when they no longer have to hold their human shape. This is what the NWO is about – they want to gain complete control so they no longer have to hide. Adrenochrome is the blood of tortured victims. It causes accelerated heart rate and intense sweating. The Royal Family are bloodlines of the Serpent God Lucifer – Draconian. The Royal Family must drink blood to maintain their form. ALL that his hidden will be revealed.

The Truth about HEALTH - Answers to Questions you will not find Anywhere on the Internet - must see. the medical system is a complete fraud and our doctors have been brainwashed in medical schools around the world and being taught that chemicals are good for the body. They cure nothing - they can help with symptoms but as time passes that very chemical "medicine" will bring on an array of other symptoms in which the trained physician will "label" and then prescribe more chemicals "medicine" to treat those symptoms. Years pass and you have a snowball effect with an array of labeled diseases - but they were all caused by the treatments. We need to wake up to the truth of who has been running our world and what their purpose is. It has NOTHING to do with our well being. Learn the true answers to what really is the cause, what really is the treatment and what really is good for maintaining health once you have restored it.
The Greatest Hidden Secret in American History
End. Updatedd July 19, 2020.
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