1. War Castles - Military Insider - Robert-Leroy:Horton -PART I Updated Version -- TRANSCRIPT -- The Greatest Hidden Secret in American History
4. Interview with Russell-Jay:Gould
5. Assassination Attempts on Donald J. Trump
6. Fall of the Cabal - must see for everyone.
7. Out of the Shadows -- a must see for everyone.
8. Benjamin Fulford - one of my favorite Sources that I have followed for around 12 years. Benjamin knows what is going on all around the world.
9. Soleste Solum - The Beast is here
10. Jeffrey Epsteins Driver Confession
11. SEX Slave Tells All
12. Page 2 - best sources - added 7-19-2020
13. Bill Gates - FUNVAX - briefing to CIA - unbelievable! 7-20-2020 - if you watch nothing else - watch this!
14. Obama - 15th Wealthiest man on Planet - 7-20-2020
15. Former Free Mason blows the Whistle - Must see
16. COVID-19 - is a LIVE Exercise - Must See
17. TRUMP - The REAL Reason he was elected. This may be quite surprising.
18. The HOLY GRAIL - that proves COVID-19 is a smokescreen designed to steer people to the end game - the Vaccination.
19. Eisenhower Treaty with Grey Aliens in 1954
20. WHY? The world has gone crazy in 2020
21. This is GREAT - Trump and the Q Awakening - military tribunals coming in Nov and Dec and with Disclosure in eary 2021. *Must See - added 7-27-2020.
The TRUTH about HEALTH - Answers to Questions you will not find Anywhere on the Internet - must see.
Make sure to scroll all the way to the bottom to see everything.
Sources to Research: The Journey to the AWAKENING!
"Reality Changes when enough People Believe in something."
The Timeline - Donald Trump, Q and the Great Awakening.
1. Obama was a boy toy - sex toy as a child and was passed around.
2. The first thing Trump did in office was get Saudia Arabia support - note - a LOT of stuff happened behind the scene that included assassinations and assassination attempt and a new Prince in SA. Saudi Arabia is now on Trump's team. The new Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman.
3. The next thing Trump did was go to Israel. This led many to believe that Trump was a Zionist Puppet. There is no such thing as a Jew - they are white but they could be German, Hungarian, or whatever - this was all for show. There are just the 13 Families:
- House of Borja
- House of Breakspeare
- House of Somaglia
- House of Orsini
- House of Conti
- House of Chigi
- House of Colonna
- House of Farnese
- House of Medici
- House of Gaetani
- House of Pamphili
- House of Este
- House of Aldobrandini
Trump went to Israel and he sat down with everyone. Both in front and behind the cameras. Trump supposedly now has Israel's support and signed up to the Q Team to bring down the world of bad guys. He moved the Embassy to Jerusalem. This was a symbolic act to show who has the power = even in the Holy Land.
So these were the first two steps that Trump completed - getting Saudi Arabia and Israel on board.
3. Next up -- The Vatican - Trump presented a massive folder to the Vatican and told them to have a look. Trump kept saying "you might want to put your red shoes on when you look at all this". This means that the shoes represent child sacrfiice - as the red is blood and the shoes are actually made out of human skin. So they got the Vatican to capitulate to Trump and you can google the picture of the Trump and the Pope and the Pope doesn't look to happy as he know his eggs are fried.
The Federal Reserve was controlled by a certain group affiliated with the Vatican. The Jesuits are the Mafia.
Book: Money, Murder and the Mafia: The Vatican Exposed by Paul Williams
The Vatican was in charge of the Federal Reserve and every and all Mafias of the Earth paid dues to the Vatican. Trump didn't leave the Vatican until the Pope issued a Papal Bull - like an official or authentic decree or legal order saying that by a certain date that the Vatican Bank which is in charge of ALL the Earthwide Federal Reserve Banking system signed Executive Rights to Donald J. Trump. So there is a very, very SPECIAL Reason why Trump was smiling and the Pope looked like he had just been convicted of pedophilia. Trump is now in control of ALL the Federal Reserve Banks around the entire World. Trump is now the exchequer for planet Earth. So he is now the exchequer for every single country on Earth. Not one person on the planet has ever had this much power in the history of the world.
So this brings the question -- where are the Rothschild's left then - they were said to be in control of all the central banks and Trump was thought to be their puppet?
This just cut the legs right off of the Rothschilds in London. London City was the Financial Arm of this EVIL Mafia - Luciferian Cabal that has been running the world. London City was not part of England just as Washington D.C. is not a state in the U.S. Washington D.C. was the Military Force of this Mafia - so they had full control of our Presidents and full control of our Military. The Vatican - not part of Italy - was the Religious Arm or the brain - intelligence headquarters of the Trinity of Power.
Trump is no longer working with the CIA as they are just too corrupt to even begin to trust as they have been owned by the this Mafia - and the Trinity of Power they set up and they desperately want their power back.
In 2017 London City - the Rothschild - Vatican owned London City had their legs cut off from them. So the Rothschild's are left trying to get power back and they were also in an internal cabal - mafia war with the Rockefeller's.
Trump now has power of all 3 Arms of their power. So now Trump has control of Saudi Arabia, Israel and the Vatican.
4. Now when Trump left Rome he went to Brussels. You have NATO and you have the EU located there.
Trump called a meeting and all the heads were there along with their finance ministers. Trump called for this meeting and everyone showed up -- but Trump PURPOSELY came late and made everyone wait on him. He made them sweat it out as they didn't know what to expect.
So TRump shows up and he immediately throws this big folder on the table and he says "We have it ALL" "We have it ALL" "What's your Answer?" This is what he did.
He played incredible hard ball NATO and the EU and in short order they ALL capitulated.
The following days EU backed down on Brexit and NATO having to pay the bulk, but it is not like that was a big deal, but it was symbolic saying - Trump is now in charge of us all.
So when the photo op came for all of them - once again, Trump came late and you know where he stood - right dead in the center letting all of them know he is the Boss. When Trump walked in he didn't acknowledge any of them and was lighly whistling to himself and was calm as a cucumber while all these corrupts were in the camera lights sweating.
Now they are ALL against Trump secretly, they want so badly to get him back for taking their power away.
In October of 2017 there was an assassination attempt on the new Saudi Prince Bin Salman. This occurred at Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas and with the help of US Intel he was saved. Intel from the NSA helped him and the US military took it from there.
So in essence, Trump just saved his life. Trump then asked for a favor and Prince Salman said "Anything, anything, my Brother". Trump had Salman go to all the Corporations - Google, Apple, Facebook, Microsoft, Amazon - he had meetings with ALL of these in late October to November 2017. He visited all these Puppet Heads for all these Puppet Companies and he basically showed them all the riot act and that Trump had information on ALL of them from the NSA. He said "you play on Team Trump OR there will be Declassification of all your Dirty Deeds and you will go to Prison." So all of these guys capitulated - including Jack Dorsey from Twitter. It now appears they are calling this a bluff - so story to be continued as they are censoring Trump and still doing the evil work of the Rockefeller's.
Next up Asia.
5. In November 2017 Trump took his Asian tour. He went to Japan first and did the same thing. Japan capitulated. The symbolism for this was allowing TRump to give the Trophy to a Sumo Wrestling Champion and in Japan only the highest power had this honor.
6. Trump left Japan and flew directly to South Korea, the media made it look like Trump was attempting to get S. Korea and N. Korea to make peace but the real reason was for Capitulation. One fo the biggest arms for procurring Adrenochrome has always been Asia and South East Asia. Southeast Countries have been in cahoot with Hollywood and Washington D.C. Politicians, so lot of these people who need children leaned on these South East Asian Countries to procur them children.
So Trump showed up and displayed all of the documentation that they had and it was a capital crime - so they also Capitulated. Trump did meet with litte Kim in secret near the boarder. Then the treaty with North Korea was announced. All Trump had to do was to show him he now had the power of the central banks.
So now you have Saudi Arabia, Israel, Vatican, Japan, South Korea and North Korea that are "supposedly" on our side and supposedly to be with the Q plan.
7. The Next stop was China. This was HUGE. Something that has NOT been reported by our Fake Media is that China has kicked out the Devil Worshiping Satanists. Just months after Trump was elected President Xi Jinping visited Trump at his golf course at Mar-a-Logo. Mainstream media of course didn't pick this up. Trump then goes to China and they meet in the Forbidden City - a private secretive place to Chinese Culture - this was at Trumps request. So this was the Symbolism that capitulation has taken place with China. At this meeting the Americans were surprised to find out that Chinese officials want the evil communists to be kicked out. They do not want communism. The officials are scared and horrified by the things they have been asked to do. They willingly capitulated as they want the end to the Satanic Cabal.
8. Next Stop: Vietnam. So after China Trump went to Vietnam and the agreement with them was to stop their participation in procurring children for human and sex trafficking. They capitulated quickly and easily. The only one that put up a fight was Israel but that wasn't much.
9. Davos Switzerland. This was a big one. George Soros was present at this meeting. Trump has incredible courage to go here. Attending this meeting was the largest International Corporations in the World. These are the MOST EVIL of the corporations and it was a table full of Satanist who drink Adrenochrome and then there was Trump. This meeting was called by Trump and the media of course will not say this and Trump once again came in late and he sat right in the middle. He started out with laying out envelopes - similar as to the George Bush Sr funeral and then came folders. This was dangerous for Trump to go here as they could have abducted him into the undergrounds of surrounding mountains. This was January of 2018. The courage to do this. They all capitulated and Trump did not leave until he gave them a chance. Of course these guys won't and they will be put in prison and will have Declassification. This is why Q says that CEO's will resign and you have seen it.
John McCain was dishonorably discharged from the military and he was shot in the back of the head - he chose the option of keeping his dignity and the media did not report this but reported he died of brain cancer which was planned. ISIS was John McCain's baby. It was ALL a Fake war and John McCain was the director of this fake war. Photo is of John McCain with all 4 of the Isis Evil Heads and of course our mainstream media says that we are likely never to find or catch all of them and John McCain is pictured having dinner with them all at once. Such a FAKE Media we have.
10. India. India quickly capitulated but the Prime Minister was gesturing time and time again that "his hands were tied" meaning he had no choice and don't blame me for doing this.
11. Mexico. Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador - known as AMLO - he didn't want to capitulate. He didn't want to give up the corrupt life and worshiping Satan. He did finally capitulate.
12. The rest of the Central American Countries -- they all signed over. All of these leaders including Mexico were clapping their hands together like they were being forced to do this. You can bet they all are uniting to try and take Trump out.
13. Brazil. The president of Brazil - Jair Bolsonono thought he was far enough away from the Mainstream news that he could continue to rape women and do other evils and Trump made it known that he was not going to do this ever again. He clamped his wrists together also - indicating that he had no choice. As soon as Trump left they begin arresting pedophiles and one being Oprah's good friend who was running child trafficking -- John of God was arrested. He had Adrenochrome productions all over the world and it was Oprah's best pal. Oprah supported this man who is accused of raping hundreds of women and was finally convicted of raping 4 in 12-2019. MSM buried the story as it should of been front page news.
14 Argentina. Obama used to go here a lot as this was one of their places of escape in case things don't go their way. Anyway, the president of Argentina was so corrupt and Trump didn't have any respect for this guy. Trump treated him like the scum bag is was. He also quickly capitulated. Trump left the guy standing alone on stage and the Fake Media said that Trump misunderstood that they were to have photos... well, not even close to the case as Trump did get photos and then left abruptly as he can't stand the guy.
15. Canada - Germany - France at the G-7 Summit in Canada. Justin Trudeau who is a horrible pedophile was hosting the meeting. Angela Merkel was there also and they both capitulated. Justin Trudeau the pussy he is - spent most of the day with his hands clasped together indicating his hands were tied and he had to go along with it. One of the ones that Trump treated like a little child was the French President Emmanuel Macron -- Macron was so know to being a Rothschild stooge and an Adrenochromer. But Macron submitted as well.
16. Britain -- Former Prime Minister Ther esa May - was crying and crying because Trump showed her intel from the NSA and the Finishians were going to be taken out when, where and how. They wanted Boris Johnson in. Boris Johnson has been a horrific leader and needs to be taken down.
17. Buckingham Palace and the Royals - This was funny as you may need to go to Youtube but Trump had absolutely NO respect for the Queen, NONE, NADA, ZERO - as he walked around Buckingham liked he owned it himself. Camilla Parker Bowels just hated Trump doing whatever he wanted at the palace. Trump totally disrespected Prince Phillip as he likely was a double as the fake Queen - but instead of talking to Charles he went to talk to a Guard. Man this guy has some big balls. Phillip standing BEHIND Trump slouching down. Trump likely knew it - so he displayed visible disrespect to these Buffoon Royals. It gets even better - then Trump has a Photo sitting in Winston Churchill's chair and he has his leg crossed - this was great. He was replicating a famous picture of Churchill - is this guy not great in theatre?
18. Russia. This was a big one. He met Putin in Norway. In front of a press conference Putin hands Trump a soccer ball and he says "the ball is in your court now Mr. President." Putin hates the Luciferian Cabal and the soccer ball was represented of Adrenochrome.
When everyone was at the funeral for Poppy Bush - good ole Timberwolf - Trump arrived late and he actually interrupted the service and was in the front row - then the envelopes were opened and Clinton's, Bush's and Obama's weren't laughing and joking too much after that. They all requested meetings with the Trump after that and offered ovatures.
Trump has had Pizzas delivered to certain groups - the symbolism for pedophiles who like little girls. Trump had Kevin Spacey deliver pizzas to the paparazzi in public. He had Bush Jr. sever pizzas to his secret service agents and made sure it was a photo opportunity.
LOL -- Trump forced Governor Cuomo to go to one of his Press Conferences with his Nipple Piercing in and it looked like he had female nipples. NOT so funny once you know the truth as to why Trump did this. Trump has footage of Governor Cuomo at a Spirit Cooking and Marina Abramovic was there was child murder and child torture occurring and Cuomo was there all painted up and dressed up with these big nipple rings. Trump said "yeah, I see you're pretty proud of those nipple rings - I'd like you wear those nipple rings when you're at your next presser." He did what he was told.
If the Cabal knows that their days are numbered - why fight? They still believe they can win someway.
Regarding the executions - Tom Hanks was executed because he was one of the biggest threats to children. In Australia Tom Hanks posted a picuture of some Vegemite on some toast on a plate and a glass of water was tilted up the side of the plate. He was in custody of the United States Marines. The Marines are the ones that are going around the world rounding up these sickos. He was on a US Naval ship that had Marines and he knew he was going to be executed that day and that was his last message and it was of a hangman indicating that he was going to be put to death. Tom Hanks was so sick that Trump and intel felt they had to get him immediately as children were always at risk around him. Tom Hanks was behind a MASSIVE Organization.
If Trump is to be reelected, what is to be expected? Trump is going to walk away from this sooner rather than later. A lot of people don't know the Spiritual side of Trump but also this has taken a lot out of him. Could John F Kennedy Jr finally be revealed? Could he be under Trump and eventually take Presidency?
There are talks about a resurrection of George Magazine with a Full Moon about Mount Rushmore.
John F Kennedy Jr faked his own death and went underground for 20 plus year to formulate a plan that would take down the Evil doers that killed his Father. It all started with Bush Sr.
JFK Jr. said in his own magazine "I will expose my fathers killers no matter who they are, even if I have to bring down the whole Government."
Disclosure coming in EARLY 2021 2021 2021

so where are we at today jan 28 2021?
ReplyDeletegreat!! great man
ReplyDeleteI hope this is all true. I hope Trump met with Russell Jay Gould. This will be over shortly if Trump knows and verifies all the historical information since 1999 to 2017 from Mr. Gould!