BILL GATES Video Below.

This is unbelievable, but what do you expect from someone that wants to depopulate the USA and the rest of the world. This is a vaccine for Religious Fundamentalism - which is a bunch of Bullshit - but he says they are "Religious Fanantics" and overexpress the VMAT-2 Gene. This is EVIL shit folks. Evil - they are spreading a virus instead of bombing. In Bill Gates word "it will eliminate their behavior." I wonder how he tested this and who he tested this on -- who in the hell would Volunteer for this? This is disgusting. This is the guy that intentionally inserts Satanic Codes into his Patents he applies for like the 666 for one of his viruses. The virus would immunize the VMAT-2 gene... he is using Respiratory Viruses using Aerosol - just unbelievable the evilness. This was all for a FAKE war also. What the media didn't tell us is that they killed MILLIONS of innocent civilians. This is President Bush Sr doings on the 911 deal and just one day later they were going to spread the wealth of the world to the people -- the 911 was a HEIST - they were going to announce NESSARA but Bush Sr knew that he would likely be executed for his evil doings and he had enough Black Hats to go through with it. One Evil World and these satanic, luciferian freaks need to go down.
Bill Gates encourages a law to be passed in which farmers can no longer save their own seeds and must by the GMO patented seeds. Anyone who says that Bill Gates is a NICE guy, it totally WRONG. He is Greedy and he is Evil.
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The Video Bill Gates wishes no one will ever see. Well, here is the REAL Bill Gates.
Bill Gates encourages a law to be passed in which farmers can no longer save their own seeds and must by the GMO patented seeds. Anyone who says that Bill Gates is a NICE guy, it totally WRONG. He is Greedy and he is Evil.

SEE This FIRST: The Timeline - Donald Trump, Q and the Great Awakening.
1. War Castles - Military Insider - Robert-Leroy:Horton -PART I Updated Version -- TRANSCRIPT -- The Greatest Hidden Secret in American History
11. SEX Slave testimony
13. Bill Gates - FUNVAX - briefing to CIA - unbelievable! 7-20-2020 - if you watch nothing else - watch this! At the very least you will know he is with the Zionists CIA and one evil murdering bastard.
21. This is GREAT - Trump and the Q Awakening - military tribunals coming in Nov and Dec and with Disclosure in eary 2021. *Nothing can Stop what's coming! **Must See - added 7-27-2020.
22. White Hats Report - website here -- then a video - Paladin - talking about a missing $15 TRILLION - talks about all the incredible and I mean incredible corruption and theft of Humanitarian funds. It is no wonder America and rest of the world is bankrupt. You won't believe the 1,000's of $TRillions that Obama stole. Unreal.
23. The Doctors Video - the video that Facebook, Google, Youtube and Twitter deleted as soon as it was posted - but not before 20 Million people viewed it. There are 2 videos so far. Part II here. The truth about COVID-19 and Hydroxychloroquine will be revealed and it is in these two videos. More vids have been added.
24. FUNNIES - a page that has some of the funny short clips to share. These are pretty good.
26. Robert David Steele -- one of my top 5 Sources to go to.
30. Armageddon? Is Trump really a White Hat?? Masons knew Trump was going to be elected LONG before the election year - Scary stories that indicate Mass Genocide is the Ultimate Plan - expect power outages, military coming into homes, vaccinations, food shortages, a plan to have Trump removed as president (false flag op), then true riots and not just the fake paid riots. Things are beginning to heat up - Trump said it would be a HOT summer. Could Hot be for the American people and not for the sick pedophiles and murderers? Why hasn't disclosure occurred yet on anything? American has given Trump the easy road and it is time for the Patriots to at the very LEAST start asking some valid questions and not just "trusting the Q plan."
31. Phil Schneider - The Dulce Alien Attack and more from Phil. Phil was a very Brave man and was murdered for his whistleblowing. Our world has been and still is run by very, very EVIL people and Evil Aliens.
32. 911 - You want the Truth about 911? How it happened, when it was planned, who planned and how the world media had the narrative? The best explanation of 911 that was sent to President Trump. Trump said that he was going reveal the TRUTH about 911 - Why hasn't he? He knows the truth and how it was pure murder by Brenan, Rumsfeldt, Bush Sr and the evil Cheney. He has all this information and likely much, much more.
33. The Last Words of David Goldberg -- pray this guy was receiving false information from his particular "White House" insider. Very stunning, shocking and horrifying. According to David Goldberg Trump is a puppet of Israel, the Covid-19 was a planned virus release, Q is a "Master Plan" of the Dark Side and the plan included "Gait Keepers" who receive inside true information for the Tag, Track and ID program - TTID - look for this on Gov related sites, that is what it means. The Youtube Gaitkeepers are paid, provided protection and guaranteed special privlidges for spreading the Q and Trump inside information and being cheerleaders. Pray that this guy who sounds like Oscar the Grouch has received false information - this is flat out scary. Added on 8-13-2020.
34. Military insider John Moore shares his knowledg of the coming disaster. Folks - another insider is sharing some horrific plans and this all could begin in September to November of 2020. Watch for the power to go out and the elite to head for their underground mansions when the disaster begins. SCARY stuff here. Added on 8-13-2020.
35. Is Trump a Chosen Puppet? Is the Q Plan a real plan for the people or is the Q Plan for the Elite? People are tired of hearing "just trust the plan." This would fit Biblical Prophecy and Trump could be the Great Deceiver that has everyone eating out of his hands. The Anti-Christ - doing everything that is appealing but totally committed to the Satanic Cult - watch this. Added on 8-14-2020.
36. Charlie Ward - one HOT source right now. Charlie is on the inside as he moved currencies from the wealthiest of the wealthy - The actual Trillionaires and Quad-Trillionaires like the Dragon family - Himalayan blood lines -Chinese, very good family. *This is a must - you won't be disappointed with the one. Charlie Ward and Charlie Freak are in the video above called "Two Charlies
37. Charlie Freak -- he gets a lot of deep inside information - just as Charlie Ward above. **Another one that is a must see and another one that you won't be disappointed in! Look them up on Youtube and follow them both after watching this.
38. The FED will be Destroyed, System Unraveling, Reset is Coming. From Wayne Jett - author of "The Fruits of Graft"
39. **MUST See - one of the Top 2 next that is a MUST know: Abe Finkelstein answers every question truthfully and he doesn't give a damn? Why - because he said it was already too late and people will not wake up anyway as he flat out admits to stealing Hundreds of Thousands of children, killing them, draining their blood and giving the bodies to their Butchering Packing Plants to be placed in McDonald's food. This is a must because it will help verify a lot of the others on this list and in this source list below. So much information to help one realize that we are really the slaves to their Evil Financial System by usage/interest and all this Dem vs Repub is a bunch of Bullshit as they own them both and tell them both what to do. Zionist JEWS run the world. *Note: I finally decided to add this as I was skeptical / afraid what people would think or how they would react - but it is time to become fully aware / awake of how we have been used and abused and tricked time and time again. The Catholic Church is NOT a good entity and the Vatican is a bunch of Satanic Evil doers who don't give a damn about anything but money. This is an eye opener but from my 11 years of research this matches 100% with everything I have read, watched and heard. Added on August 22, 2020.
40. Why in the World did Trump sign this 5-G and Beyond Act of 2020?? Is Trump really working with Israel all the time? H.R. 2881 signed by Trump on March 23, 2020 and passed by both the Senate and the House. They NEVER agree with anything that Trump wants and why would he want this? Signed on the first day of the "Lockdown". According to Charlie Freak and Charlie Ward the 5-G towers will be converted to Tesla Towers and have been disabled, well - I do believe that they will "eventually" be converted to Tesla towers but not before the cabal has taken complete control. Believe me when I say I hope I am wrong.
41. Brendan O' Connell - immediately jumped in my Top 5 Sources as of today 8-24-2020. The guy has some very interesting information and is a believer that Israel is likely behind most of what is happening on this planet as they likely control us all but they really want the U.S. to fail and fast and they really want to kill us for their depopulation plan - see Deborah Tavares.
42. This is Shocking, Entertaining and easy to follow leaving you wanting to know even more. A 26 year old North Korean girl defected and ran away from North Korea and somehow, someway made it out alive. She describes what Kim Jong Un is really like. She explains what it really is like to live in North Korea. If we every defeat the cabal and deep state we absolutely have to free these people. They are beyond oppressed and are slaves. It is horrific and no human deserves to ever have to live without food, water and electricity. A very revelaing interview leaving you asking "really?" The NWO wants the whole world to be controlled like this.
43. How CLONES are made. -- Very Interesting, Entertaining and an easy to watch video that goes by quickly - around 47 minutes. *Must See.
Make sure to scroll all the way to the bottom to see everything.

Sources to Research: The Journey to the AWAKENING!
"Reality Changes when enough People Believe in something."
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