1. War Castles - Military Insider - Robert-Leroy:Horton -PART I Updated Version -- TRANSCRIPT -- The Greatest Hidden Secret in American History
4. Interview with Russell-Jay:Gould
5. Assassination Attempts on Donald J. Trump
6. Fall of the Cabal - must see for everyone.
7. Out of the Shadows -- a must see for everyone.
8. Benjamin Fulford - one of my favorite Sources that I have followed for around 12 years. Benjamin knows what is going on all around the world.
9. Soleste Solum - The Beast is here
10. Jeffrey Epsteins Driver Confession
11. SEX Slave Tells All
12. Page 2 - best sources - added 7-19-2020
13. Bill Gates - FUNVAX - briefing to CIA - unbelievable! 7-20-2020 - if you watch nothing else - watch this!
14. Obama - 15th Wealthiest man on Planet - 7-20-2020
15. Former Free Mason blows the Whistle - Must see
16. COVID-19 - is a LIVE Exercise - Must See
17. TRUMP - The REAL Reason he was elected. This may be quite surprising.
18. The HOLY GRAIL - that proves COVID-19 is a smokescreen designed to steer people to the end game - the Vaccination.
19. Eisenhower Treaty with Grey Aliens in 1954
20. WHY? The world has gone crazy in 2020
21. This is GREAT - Trump and the Q Awakening - military tribunals coming in Nov and Dec and with Disclosure in eary 2021. *Nothing can Stop what's coming! **Must See - added 7-27-2020.
22. White Hats Report - website here -- then a video - Paladin - talking about a missing $15 TRILLION - talks about all the incredible and I mean incredible corruption and theft of Humanitarian funds. It is not wonder America and rest of the world is bankrupt. You won't believe the 1,000's of $TRillions that Obama stole. Unreal. White Hats Media Group on Youtube here.
23. The Doctors Video - the video that Facebook, Google, Youtube and Twitter deleted as soon as it was posted - but not before 20 Million people viewed it. There are 2 videos so far. Part II here. The truth about COVID-19 and Hydroxychloroquine will be revealed and it is in these two videos.
24. FUNNIES - a page that has some of the funny short clips to share. These are pretty good.
25. Doctors Testimonies about Covid-19, support for opening America back up and more.
26. Robert David Steele -- one of my top 5 Sources to go to.
The TRUTH about HEALTH - Answers to Questions you will not find Anywhere on the Internet - must see.
Make sure to scroll all the way to the bottom to see everything.
Sources to Research: The Journey to the AWAKENING!
"Reality Changes when enough People Believe in something."
Robert David Steele interviews Chalie Ward - an insider who used to move currency all around the world and he knows who is good and who is bad. Added on August 7th, 2020.
SUMMARY: Robert David Steel interview with Charlie Ward -- Q is the group that protected JFK - they were the "Trusted Ones", elections are rigged, Bush, Cheney, Clinton and Obama are EXTREMELY EVIL. Trump is trying to change the rigged elections. Bush and Cheney took Murderous Pedophilia to new heights. They have tried every trick in the book to remove Trump and now Trump has admitted that they are trying to kill him and he is going to take a few days to get away.
Hundreds of DUMBS are being destroyed. From his work Charlie has been in some of these DUMBS - deep underground massive bases or military bases and he says the ones he was in were about 600 feet below the surface and they store Gold and Cash in the Safes down there. There are roads and there are stores, living quarters - just like above ground. In Lebanon - the explosion - there was a massive amount of tunnels below. The tunnels that are being destroyed are the ones where human trafficking has taken place and the ones where babies and child slaves were imprisoned. Donald Rumsfeld and others like Bush and Cheney flat out stole $2 Trillion from the Government.
LOL: RDS - comments - some of these people would eat Dog Shit if the Government tells them to.
Trump is in full control???
Personal Comment: I hope so - because I am hearing that they all are getting ready to go to the undergrounds for planet X - that is coming near Earth in the next couple months and the Earth will be bombarded with Asteroids and Trump was appointed to give us hope and ease us into the final days. So much information that is supposedly coming from reliable sources and all info seems to contradict?
Is Trump preparing the way for someone to replace him and is that someone a women? The one thing that the media has always been able to do is to divide us into male and female, black and white, Indian and Chinese, Sunni and Shiite, Muslim and Christian and so forth, and all of this is totally Bullshit - we are all equal and the best person for the job is the person who should get the job, no matter who or what they are.
RDS: We should be able to capture between $100 Trillion and $300 Trillion for a Global Rebirth, how do you see things happening between now and February 2021?
Charlie: We are moving into a Great Awakening and when I say great awakening - we are moving into a FAR BETTER world than we are leaving behind.
Charlie Ward final comments: The most important thing is to turn off your television and if you want to know what is going on - research it. You moral compass needs to be realigned. When you have found out that you have been lied to - it will take some time to recover but on the other side when you find out the truth - God Bless You!
A couple of my Favorite people in this world: :Russell-Jay:Gould is interviewed by the Great Robert David Steele.
Russell has created a Quantum Banking System that would be Fair and Just for the whole world. He created this banking system in 2001 and charted it with 82 nations as well as the World Bank, IMF, and with all Stock Markets on planet Earth. It is a commodity based banking system based on value to value. This is the guy who created crypto currencies before there were any and now many have copied his works and plagiarized. It is a construct that is transparent to all languages of the world.
Russell in my eyes is a flat out GENIUS and he has his own Periodic Table and he is an excellent chemist in the lab. Within 72 hours of publising this table the NSA and Obama had a talk with him, they didn't like him and Russell didn't like them either as they raided his lab.
Once Trump was elected he asked to be put back in service as Obama wanted him dead. :Russell-Jay:Gould has a technology of extracted precious metals out of the Earth which deals with electron manipulations to stabilize shells and can create wealth without mining per say. His technology can get more per pound out of ore materials. What is cool is that these ore body's do not have to be taken out of the ground. Russell is ALL about giving to the Earth and not tearing it down. He is against the chemtrails, the nano bots, the 5-G and everything created to manipulate mankind.
Because we are in Martial Law - all Civil Courts are closed on the planet.
Copius amounts of Wealth were stolen on 911 and ALL the Vaults that were in the buildings were empty. The evil guys -- Bush's, Clinton's, Obama, Cheney's took all the gold and they were responsible for killing all the citizens as 911 was all their doing.
Haha, the next question was = What do you think of Qanon? Russell says a lot of people have accused me of being Qanon but I have no computer access to the algorithms so I have nothing to do with this. I was one who was suggesting in the beginning that Russell was Qanon. Wrong.
People of the world do not need any more No's. Yes we need clean water, yes we need clean air - what the people of the world need is a simple yes and it's happening now.
Robert David Steele: If you could work with Trump in the next 60 days - what would you do - apparrently there is a lot of Gold beneath the National Parks. Russell shakes his head and says "oh yea."
What 3 Boom, Boom Booms could you give the President going into election day?
:Russell-Jay:Gould: "First of all - Flag Authorizations as we filed for the flag in August 12, 1999 into the Congressional Records.
What would this do for the President?
It would free the land so to speak - it would give him access into a Post Road into a Position which would allow him to leverage the value of the ground to create certificates against that and leverage that to the beneficiaries of the Federal Contractors and to the people of this country.
Steele: How do you feel about Absentee Landloards? I don't see how land can be sold to some foreign country? *Russell nods his head yes.
Russell: Well, I would concur with that 100%. First of all - in order to sell something they have to have a Post Order and a Ships Channel and there are mechanical things on ships channels where the US Postal Service and due to their viloation of Title 39 section 101 subsection A and subscetion (B) in the Presidential Election of 2000 where they created the Florida Chads to Ruse the people (FAKE the Election) - since they violated this the Authorization to sell our Ports (like Obama sold Sacramento Port to China and China tried to invade on this port recently with around a million people) to sell our lands, to diversify and do a terraforming and to set up safe havens for foregn entities in our land is completely false and misleading and the countries that bought those (China) are also participating in false and misleading actions because of Title 42 in 1986 - "Knowledge of the Facts and Stopping of the Wrong" - which they have NOT engaged of Stopping and Correcting of ANY wrong. This soil was fought and paid for by OUR Forefathers Blood. We need to honor that for what is going on here. So people need to be warned and be cognizant that our freedoms were NOT won of that of a Registered Gun they were won by the Blood, Sweat and Tears of those people who conveyed their lives on the line for the very freedoms we have today.
Steele: I think there is something to look at here - as we have had an illegal Congress that has not had properly authority to act in our name.
Steele: Now how do you feel about these State Assemblies that Audubon?? Rights talks about?
Russell: So I have been in the Court rooms more times that I can count going through what I did and one of the things is where is the states money? Where is their money? Because Birth Certificates don't count as collateral anymore on posit with vital statistics - the birth certificate system ended in 1999. So where's the money? Where's the flag? These are good people that are trying to make a differene in their space. Because of what I know in shipping , a lot of these people are kind of new into this theatre, in the last 5-10 years they have all popped up - where I have shown continuence track record for 24 years to maintain the Rules, the Continuence of the Evidence as a Judge and as a functioning Stuart of the systems I have built for the people of this country and the people of the world ultimately, but we have to take care of our people first and I do love each and everyone of my friends who don't comprehend me (me being one of those but trying).
Steele: Okay, you're losing me here, so the bottom line is the value in the land and the value in teh labor and the value in performance on where the new emerging economy has to be rooted, rather than in the financial situation, the derivatives, the fraud, the short selling, so I dont' understand everything but I am beginning to see that the president has a chance to create new economy that is rooted in real value and delivers that value to the labor rather than the capital which is Fraudulent.
Russell: That is Correct.
Steele: What about currency, who has the power to set Global Currency Value?
Russell: Well, I disqualified all stock markets on the planet for ficticious grammar - I also disqualified the Bureau for Weights and Measures as well as the International Maritime Commission. The reason why I did that is because the Maritime commission dealt with contracts - contract being the style of how a vessel paper comes into location. These are things I created and filed in as a Comptroller of the Global-Currency long before anybody every had these concepts in their mind, long before people thought we needed to have a new commerce so I have my own Global Currencies as well as my land currencies, he shows a picture of one of his coins and he say mine are based on Light Houses - Navigational Buoy's so to speak and articulate location to location on the ley lines - some of the things I was trained in and some of the things they been using to Manipulate energies on this planet for quite some time now.
Steele: Do you have an opinion on Judy Shelton and Trump creating an asset backed currency?
Russell: If he is going to do that, I would highly suggest that he come and consult with me because you only know what you know until you find out what you don't know. Their are technologies that I have put in place that I have shared and there are technologies that I have created that I haven't shared because they have to honorable when they come to the table. So I don't give everthing in the open but give enough to let people know. I have a much bigger thing in place for the people as far as stability and generations for family and family dynasties and corporeal hereditaments.
Steele: Let's talk about the manipulation of time, can you explain that a bit?
Russell: Ok, if you are in Now Space, and dimensional witnessings are in joinder with the condition of heart, because it's always about the condition of heart and mind which creates the perfromance. If the condition of heart and mind is that of a moral situation -- what I've done is not about me, it's about helping all, so I've always had those with positive intentions - not all because some people have nefarious intentions and their purpose is to create hardships among we the people. So these people need to be identified but they usually identify themselves based on their performances and this perfomance needs to be compartmentalized on a line and this is the line and I stand on this line and I say you're not coming over to this now space.
Steele: So why have so many people gotten away with war and child trafficking for so many years?
Russell: Because the people of the world don't have much of a backbone and they are pretty fickle at best. This is because we have been demoralized through social engineering which has been purportrated upon us with through the scientocracy and all of the things they have going on against us. I do see more people having some backbone.
Steele: What about all these sheep, all these people wearing masks, they don't seem to have a spine, yet you are seeing signs of a spine emerging?
Russell: I'm seeing a few things as you know I don't play in the little mask game they have going on. People need to honor others desires of not wanting to wear a mask, and there is some proof that the mask can even cause some disease.
Steele: People are being killed for not wearing a mask.
Russell: It doesn't need to come in our now space. People are getting a little frisky and that's when it comes down to having some backbone and standing up for yourself.
Steele: Is there any ?? of time for the election of 2020?
Russell: Boy, if the, now let's see if I clarify this question correct -- the question was you think the mass is going to influence the election of 2020?
Steele: Well, I'm wondering if the election of 2020 will take place on time and lawfully?
Russell: Technically it shouldn't because this is Martial-Law and all civil functions are suspended the elections are in violation of law Title 39, section 101, subsection (a) and (b). The Post Office doesn't have authorization for franking or shipping stamps anymore, and this is from the 2000 presidential election. I became Chief Judge on the United States Supreme Court on October 1, 2004 and this may end up in my court. I'm waiting for the US Marshals to step forward and tell some of their stories - I've seen some and they said "hey Russell I see you took over Chief Judge of the Supreme Court." He has made friends with many and is waiting for some of them along with other law enforcement to step up. (Russell was thrown in jail by Bush, Rumsfeld and Cheney and tortured for the Title IV flag - see the very first section on Warcastles for this info).
Steele: At least you haven't been throwin in an insane asylum.
Russell: Well last time I was put in a lunatic asylum the Department of Navy came in with their science officers and had a conversation with me and when they did that the Civil sector totally backed off and did a 180, we were just talking about the fact that I run the world and all the facts that come with that.
Steele: It's hard for me to wrap my head around that, but let me give you the benefit of the doubt. Now you wrote a new Periodic Table based on Mono-Atomic Elements, can you talk about that and maybe relate it to removing the mineral without disturbing the ground?
Russell: Well, when you are talking about matter that is unstable and bringing things from a 33 atomic structure to a 1 cluster position, there are many people who have done many wonderful things throughout the years - alchemists, transitionalists, chemists and they have figured a lot of wonderful things out but the things that they figured out go way back to the Rights of the Ruling when you look at the functions of that - I was one of the first guys to file one of those treaties that dealt with Space Length and Galactic Position, it was finite at best and I published it with the NSA, NASA, the Vatican, because of some of the things they were up to and some other locations around the world that gave it some unique standing. When he first did this they called him Port Hole man, Worm man. The technology is to be used for good and for the Department of Energy also.
Steele: So what does this technology manifest in a machine or is it completely intellectual?
Russell: Chemicals and Time - I'll just leave it at that.
Steele: Do you believe the US Navy has very large space ships?
Russell: The Navy probably has many great men and women working on that but I'm not in the background looking at that right now.
Steele: Does Post-General-Master Gould know of a way to fund approximately a Half TRillion Dollars into locally controlled Electromagnetic proof sustainable farming across America - in other words - can you help create food security?
Russell: I could - i would need to be taken into the venue, the nice thing about a banker is that I can do the work myself and don't have to mine it, through the leverage system through my foreign currency platform, through my global stock markets, and the bankers that come aboard that vessels autograph the stamps with a Seal Letter of the Credit, I call it Seal Letter of the Value and then the Bills of the Ladings have been paid they would then join the terms of the contract to determine what quanity and quality of value they want and that point it comes to the Foreign Currency Platforms that I've built and I don't want to get into the technocalities of that because it is pretty classified and it needs to be done with honorable people of the nations.
Steele: So you're not in touch with the farming community per se?
Russell: No, I know a lot of farmers in Wyoming, where I'm from but I'm not in touch with them and I don't what's going on in their programs and how they are moving their wealth.
Steele: Does the Federal Government have any legitimacy when it comes to taxing the income of anybody?
Russell: The IRS was kicked out of the United States in 1999. They have NO right to even make a statement of a claim because they have NO Flag.
Steele: I am wondering if President Trump is leaning forward to eliminating the Federal Income Tax?
Russell: Well, he probably knows that the IRS was kicked out of the United States in 1999. He is probably cued in on that.
Steele: Well I'm still paying taxes.
Russell: In 2004 I was at the IRS in Washington D.C. The Head Clerk came out and a conversation took place in front of about 30 people - screaming and yelling - there are no taxes, why are these people paying taxes Russell. Tell them there are no taxes. I don't know what to tell the people. Their knowledge is on them and I'm not going to tell people what to think or what to be accountable for.
Steele: Who is in control of our National Parks and Forrests, it seems some our of greatest gold reserves are under these parks? Do you believe that America has massive treasures underground (Russell says yes) that can be used to make America Great Again?
Russell: Yes they do. This comes under the Authorization of the Post Office through the Port Authorities office where those contracts were shipped to other Foreign Corporations who made the Assumption that the American People were asleep at the wheel and I'm here to tell the world and all the corporations that your contracts are Fictitious and were made - conveyed under fictitious grammar and they are NOT Valid.
Steele: I think you and Trump may be on the same page regarding National Sovereignty and it is not Possible to give our Sovereign Land away?
Russell: Yes, they didn't have the credentials under stuartship to give land away. Once fraud is found on contract - the contract becomes NULL and VOID so the money needs to be returned to whoever bought it - so whoever bought it needs to get their money back because the FEES for Freight were not Valid for the switching of the assets which the call Switching Way Bill.
Steele: Is there anything you would like to say?
Russell: People need to stay calm and collectively take a look at the grammar . I am coming out with a short film and it's going to ask some questions and give some closure. The American soldiers need to see this so they can know the truth and know Russells story and his personal sacrifices he has made for America. It is about if a person gets wounded in battle defending our contracts or gets killed and has a floating scale to keep their value for families if they die defending our contracts.
Steele: What are you going to be doing for the Next 60 days?
Russell: I'm in transition right now -- I'm going to be moving but I don't want to say where - too many people - but I've been making so many sacrifices at work that I need to start taking care of myself.
Steele: Is there a way of donating?
Russell: I may put something at the end of the new video coming out.
The Video is called Last-Flag-Standing.
Wallstreet has stolen more than $100 Trillion from the US and is subject of forfeiture without a trial.
There is a Mormon cult that surely Mitt Romney knows about that is selling white babies without a Birth Certificate in Turkey for $50,000 and the babies are bred for this specific purpose - this shocked even Robert David Steele when he learned this. This info around the 20 minute mark. Much more regarding Ghislaine Maxwell.
Brief Summary: You have teams of people going around the country taking pictures of children and they make a cagalog and they advertise it. So one of the pedos say that I will take that one for $35,000 and a team around 4 will go and grab them. Pedos love innocent children. Robert says he would like Sydney Powel as a Supreme Court Justice. According to Robert - who is in the know most of the time - Obama is paying the protestors and requesting that they tear down statues. George Webb and Robert David Steele would like to see Cynthia McKinney run for Vice President. Why is it a felony in over 30 states to condemn Israel? Because those legislatures are being bribed to do this - they are being blackmaled for acts of pedophilia. It's ok to boycott South Africa but not Israel? Doesn't add up. Cynthia McKinney is one of the very few who would not take Zionist money. She was a six term congresswomen who was finally pushed out as she wouldn't be bought. She has a PhD in leadership and change and she is devoted to something that Bill Clinton was really good at -- which is neighborhood level politics. Liz Cheney has ordered that the 50 Republican precinct seats that are open - that none of them be filled with Trump supporters. The GOP is stabbing Trump right in the back. This next election is if we want Faith, Family and Freedom or if we want to live like wild dogs. Obama imported a bunch of illegal blacks into the United States during his tenure - but the American born blacks are Patriots and many of them have served in the military. Cynthia has been talking Robert about giong on the road with Trump Jr and have black/white rallies as she gets along and is respected so well by the black community. Regarding the VIRUS - it is a Real Virus that was Bioengineered that was dropped by a suppressant element - by the Deep State and it is a FAKE Epidemic - related to fake trading and fear mongering that goes back to 2010. Robert David Steele says that he could give a list of 30 Medical Doctors that would testify and say that this is all FAKE. Robert David Steele says that the stock market would double if you could eliminate white collar crime by Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, UBS, Deutsche Bank and the other banks. Right now the president lacks good intelligence - there are just too many corrupt deep staters that have infiltrated all areas of Government - they are everywhere. 70% of US voters do not vote because they are neither Republican nor Democrat - what if the President would say "I will not particiate in a debate unless the liberal and the green candidates are on the stage with me?" They would make Joe Biden look like the total moron he is and make Trump look like the leader he really is. The Ghislaine Maxwell and Epstein Pedo Ring is only 1 of 50 that is being run across the US - Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma - just everywhere. This whole pedo ring is an intelligence operation that consists of Blackmaling people to get decisions made in your favor, to steal intellectual property, to steal nuclear technology that you are not authorized to have, and to receive any and all desired benefits. These guys are like a parasite that is eating away America, because the people of America are never thought of nor is America as a whole ever thought of... it is a dog eat dog Government that is a fight to see who can steal the most money from the taxpayers. Donald Trumps good instincts are NO Wars and stop giving Germany our intelligence. The Pentagon is being run by the WestPoint class of 1986 which is not America first. Robert David Steele does NOT believe that Secretary of State Pompeo is America first - and that could be a big problem. There needs to be a Truth Channel with an Open Source Agency so we can get some REAL news and know what REALLY is going on. Trump right now is at around 28% of the black vote, if Robert David Steele could come on scene and the president would listen to him, this could go above 40% or even up to 50% which would be a land slide win in the election. The Presidents mail and the first Lady's mail is filtered by Agents of Foreign Powers. Some things to understand about American Politics -- 50% of all Eligible Voters do NOT Vote.