It is time to WAKE UP!
Hello Patriots - my name is Jeff Dale Linke and this is a source site to name some Alternative Medias and to provide information that every American should know. Mainstream media is a written scripted story in which most of the MAIN stories are written weeks in advance and many times months and in some cases decades. I know this sounds extremely unbelievable - it was to me but over 10 years of research and help from many great inside patriots has helped me to understand it is all true. So this site is to provide some resources to use to find out what really is going on and what really has been going on.
August 19, 2020: Hopefully INDICTMENTS will begin around Labor Day - September 7th, 2020 or I think people will really begin to question "the plan." Pray people and stand up for what is right...these small businesses need our support and it is so criminal what is happening to them as the Corporations continue to just thrive - that is NOT Making America Great Again. America is Great due to the hard working people that run Small Businesses. All love, pray and stand up when you see a wrong! *Update: There are sealed indictments, but Labor Day has come and gone, it appears the Deep State who are puppets of the Cabal have a lot more power than anyone imagined and Obama did a great job in placing them all over the Government which acted as an insurance if a Non-NWO person actually became president. They want to make sure this never happens ever again and if Trump doesn't get in that will be the final election that is decided by the people.
I try to give the good, the bad and the ugly of alternative media - towards the end lately I have been focusing on some of the things that indicate Trump could be a puppet. I still tend to believe he is for the people but we need to see some real evidence and not just these Youtubers supposedly getting new fresh inside information - that is wonderful but we want indictments and that will seriously light a fire. God Bless American and the great people of this world who have been enslaved to the Corrupt that have completely taken over. We are basically already living in a communist state disguised as a democracy - the republic has been long gone. If this was anything close to a republic then Russell-Jay:Gould would be officially recognized as the commander in chief and Postmaster General - but during the Bush Jr years they completely ignored existing laws and made up their own just to suit their agendas. It seriously will take an act of God to ever get anything close to a Republic in which the People really have the power.
In the Sources below for sure see the ones that say "Must see" and for sure see #1, #6, #7, #13, #15, #21, #23, #33, #34, #39 (for sure), #43, #46.
Who is HOT right now on Youtube? Charlie Ward - on fire, Charlie Freak, Robert David Steele, SantaSurfing, Dave Hayes - The Praying Medic, Kelli Rivers, TruReporting, Pimpy's Investment Chat, Kerry Cassidy, Max Igan, Sacha Stone, Brendon O' Connell, Amazing Polly, Valuetainment, CirstenW (see the Gene decodes), Gene Cosensei (Gene Decodes), Tore Says, Millenial Millie - (Shadwogate), Deborah Tavares, Israeli News, BardsFM - Bards of War podcast, Patrick Bergy, Blessedtoteach, Utsava, EntertheStars, Logicbeforeauthority, Judy Mikovit, Karen Hudes, Steve Pieczenik, X-22 Report, aminutetomidnite (scary) and Ben Fulford on cos.tv. A must see below that is not numbered but scroll down to see it is called Nessara - Change is on the Horizon.
Most of these are Pro-Trump - you need to try and get the views of others also. Check these out and go through the sources below and learn how the world really works - it is NOT Republicans vs Democrats as everyone thinks and as the evil controlled media would love for you to believe - it is truly down to a Good vs Evil and there are very, very few good politicians - I do not know ONE in the Dem party and the ONLY reason some of them are acting decent in the Republican party is due to Trump and if Trump is an act, we are likely finished.
The Sources below contain information to Wake us up from the programming we have been under for all of our lives. The mainstream media is truly fake, it is not a joke, they really - truly are fake and when Trump says this, it is 100% Fact. If you go through these sources below and connect the dots - you will wake up and wonder how you never saw this all your life. Sending all love to the wonderful people of this world who want liberated from the chains that the world government has placed around us. God Bless!
4. Interview with Russell-Jay:Gould
5. Assassination Attempts on Donald J. Trump
6. Fall of the Cabal - must see for everyone.
7. Out of the Shadows -- a must see for everyone.
8. Benjamin Fulford - one of my favorite Sources that I have followed for around 12 years. Benjamin knows what is going on all around the world.
9. Soleste Solum - The Beast is here
10. Jeffrey Epsteins Driver Confession
11. SEX Slave testimony
12. Page 2 - best sources - added 7-19-2020
13. Bill Gates - FUNVAX - briefing to CIA - unbelievable! 7-20-2020 - if you watch nothing else - watch this! At the very least you will know he is with the Zionists CIA and one evil murdering bastard.
14. Obama - 15th Wealthiest man on Planet - 7-20-2020
15. Former Free Mason blows the Whistle - Must see
16. COVID-19 - is a LIVE Exercise - Must See
17. TRUMP - The REAL Reason he was elected. This may be quite surprising.
18. The HOLY GRAIL - that proves COVID-19 is a smokescreen designed to steer people to the end game - the Vaccination.
19. Eisenhower Treaty with Grey Aliens in 1954
20. WHY? The world has gone crazy in 2020
21. This is GREAT - Trump and the Q Awakening - military tribunals coming in Nov and Dec and with Disclosure in eary 2021. *Nothing can Stop what's coming! **Must See - added 7-27-2020.
22. White Hats Report - website here -- then a video - Paladin - talking about a missing $15 TRILLION - talks about all the incredible and I mean incredible corruption and theft of Humanitarian funds. It is no wonder America and rest of the world is bankrupt. You won't believe the 1,000's of $TRillions that Obama stole. Unreal.
23. The Doctors Video - the video that Facebook, Google, Youtube and Twitter deleted as soon as it was posted - but not before 20 Million people viewed it. There are 2 videos so far. Part II here. The truth about COVID-19 and Hydroxychloroquine will be revealed and it is in these two videos. More vids have been added.
24. FUNNIES - a page that has some of the funny short clips to share. These are pretty good.
25. Doctors Testimonies about Covid-19, support for opening America back up and more.
26. Robert David Steele -- one of my top 5 Sources to go to.
27. Trump - The Speech of all Speeches - that no one would air.
28. White Hats Media Group - a top 10 source! Great Videos
29. Fauci involved in the AIDS - HIV HOAX 36 years ago and now is running the COVID-19 HOAX - Dr. Robert Willner and Nobel Prize Winner Kary Mullis.
30. Armageddon? Is Trump really a White Hat?? Masons knew Trump was going to be elected LONG before the election year - Scary stories that indicate Mass Genocide is the Ultimate Plan - expect power outages, military coming into homes, vaccinations, food shortages, a plan to have Trump removed as president (false flag op), then true riots and not just the fake paid riots. Things are beginning to heat up - Trump said it would be a HOT summer. Could Hot be for the American people and not for the sick pedophiles and murderers? Why hasn't disclosure occurred yet on anything? American has given Trump the easy road and it is time for the Patriots to at the very LEAST start asking some valid questions and not just "trusting the Q plan."
31. Phil Schneider - The Dulce Alien Attack and more from Phil. Phil was a very Brave man and was murdered for his whistleblowing. Our world has been and still is run by very, very EVIL people and Evil Aliens.
32. 911 - You want the Truth about 911? How it happened, when it was planned, who planned and how the world media had the narrative? The best explanation of 911 that was sent to President Trump. Trump said that he was going reveal the TRUTH about 911 - Why hasn't he? He knows the truth and how it was pure murder by Brenan, Rumsfeldt, Bush Sr and the evil Cheney. He has all this information and likely much, much more.
33. The Last Words of David Goldberg -- pray this guy was receiving false information from his particular "White House" insider. Very stunning, shocking and horrifying. According to David Goldberg Trump is a puppet of Israel, the Covid-19 was a planned virus release, Q is a "Master Plan" of the Dark Side and the plan included "Gait Keepers" who receive inside true information for the Tag, Track and ID program - TTID - look for this on Gov related sites, that is what it means. The Youtube Gaitkeepers are paid, provided protection and guaranteed special privlidges for spreading the Q and Trump inside information and being cheerleaders. Pray that this guy who sounds like Oscar the Grouch has received false information - this is flat out scary. Added on 8-13-2020.
34. Military insider John Moore shares his knowledg of the coming disaster. Folks - another insider is sharing some horrific plans and this all could begin in September to November of 2020. Watch for the power to go out and the elite to head for their underground mansions when the disaster begins. SCARY stuff here. Added on 8-13-2020.
35. Is Trump a Chosen Puppet? Is the Q Plan a real plan for the people or is the Q Plan for the Elite? People are tired of hearing "just trust the plan." This would fit Biblical Prophecy and Trump could be the Great Deceiver that has everyone eating out of his hands. The Anti-Christ - doing everything that is appealing but totally committed to the Satanic Cult - watch this. Added on 8-14-2020.
36. Charlie Ward - one HOT source right now. Charlie is on the inside as he moved currencies from the wealthiest of the wealthy - The actual Trillionaires and Quad-Trillionaires like the Dragon family - Himalayan blood lines -Chinese, very good family. *This is a must - you won't be disappointed with the one. Charlie Ward and Charlie Freak are in the video above called "Two Charlies
37. Charlie Freak -- he gets a lot of deep inside information - just as Charlie Ward above. **Another one that is a must see and another one that you won't be disappointed in! Look them up on Youtube and follow them both after watching this.
38. The FED will be Destroyed, System Unraveling, Reset is Coming. From Wayne Jett - author of "The Fruits of Graft"
39. **MUST See - one of the Top 2 next that is a MUST know: Abe Finkelstein answers every question truthfully and he doesn't give a damn? Why - because he said it was already too late and people will not wake up anyway as he flat out admits to stealing Hundreds of Thousands of children, killing them, draining their blood and giving the bodies to their Butchering Packing Plants to be placed in McDonald's food. This is a must because it will help verify a lot of the others on this list and in this source list below. So much information to help one realize that we are really the slaves to their Evil Financial System by usage/interest and all this Dem vs Repub is a bunch of Bullshit as they own them both and tell them both what to do. Zionist JEWS run the world. *Note: I finally decided to add this as I was skeptical / afraid what people would think or how they would react - but it is time to become fully aware / awake of how we have been used and abused and tricked time and time again. The Catholic Church is NOT a good entity and the Vatican is a bunch of Satanic Evil doers who don't give a damn about anything but money. This is an eye opener but from my 11 years of research this matches 100% with everything I have read, watched and heard. Added on August 22, 2020.
40. Why in the World did Trump sign this 5-G and Beyond Act of 2020?? Is Trump really working with Israel all the time? H.R. 2881 signed by Trump on March 23, 2020 and passed by both the Senate and the House. They NEVER agree with anything that Trump wants and why would he want this? Signed on the first day of the "Lockdown". According to Charlie Freak and Charlie Ward the 5-G towers will be converted to Tesla Towers and have been disabled, well - I do believe that they will "eventually" be converted to Tesla towers but not before the cabal has taken complete control. Believe me when I say I hope I am wrong.
41. Brendan O' Connell - immediately jumped in my Top 5 Sources as of today 8-24-2020. The guy has some very interesting information and is a believer that Israel is likely behind most of what is happening on this planet as they likely control us all but they really want the U.S. to fail and fast and they really want to kill us for their depopulation plan - see Deborah Tavares.
42. This is Shocking, Entertaining and easy to follow leaving you wanting to know even more. A 26 year old North Korean girl defected and ran away from North Korea and somehow, someway made it out alive. She describes what Kim Jong Un is really like. She explains what it really is like to live in North Korea. If we every defeat the cabal and deep state we absolutely have to free these people. They are beyond oppressed and are slaves. It is horrific and no human deserves to ever have to live without food, water and electricity. A very revelaing interview leaving you asking "really?" The NWO wants the whole world to be controlled like this.
43. How CLONES are made. -- Very Interesting, Entertaining and an easy to watch video that goes by quickly - around 47 minutes. *Must See.
44. Bards of War - OBAMA Sold out America
45. Deep State Plans from September to November 2020.
Make sure to scroll all the way to the bottom to see everything.

Earn $200 Cash Back on Chase Credit Card after purchasing $500 within the first 3 months - Apply Here.
NESARA -- Change is on the Horizon - NESARA (Look into it!) –
This is definitely a TOP 5 out of all my sources that you should watch. SO much is explained in here. It is about 3 hours long, but it is packed with True History and Accurate depictions of former presidents and how Obama SOLD America and how the Clinton's, Bush's and Obama's stole $ TRILLIONS. Obama will go down as the most corrupt president ever and many would say it was Bush Sr. Wait to you find out everything this man has done. Our Courts are FAKE and as you learned from watching The Greatest Hidden Secret in American History - they were fake due to intentional Grammar Error. That is a MUST watch and my favorite source of all just because of the importance.
Whoops - Obama caught on camera with a book. What was it called? Post-American World. Eventually the sleeping will see that Obama wanted to destroy America along with the Clinton's and Bush's.
More Links:
Black Lives Matter - The Truth - watch Video here.
Clinton Emails deleted from Private Server - see some of them here.
A Look into the Pedo World - watch video here.
Why Mail in Voting is NO Good.
Whistleblower on UK Nursing Homes -- very sad story here.
A Minute to Midnight -- just mindblowing, bombshelling testimonies on video - flat out incredible.
Hats Media Group –
– this is a Public Intelligence Blog that has some very, very
intelligent people running this. Highly, Highly recommended taking a
good look at this one and using it often.
– another great alternative news site.
ALL About the Rothschild's - a site that has numerous links to information regarding the evil Rothschild Empire of Lies and Deceit utilizing the loaning of Currencies around the world, funding wars and funding ALL sides and knowing controlling the outcomes - Mayer Rothschild formerly known as Mayer Baur as he changed the family name to Rothschild. Plenty of information from these links to get a good understanding of how they rule the entire world. *Note: August 29th, 2020 - it has come to my attention that almost all of the videos on the links on this site have been censored and deleted...they do not want you knowing the truth.
The Lost
Letter by Net Most Wanted – 32:49 shows George Herbert Walker Bush
White Hats Media Group – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgOLGEW-79q_E9yVWusc0_g
ALL About the Rothschild's - a site that has numerous links to information regarding the evil Rothschild Empire of Lies and Deceit utilizing the loaning of Currencies around the world, funding wars and funding ALL sides and knowing controlling the outcomes - Mayer Rothschild formerly known as Mayer Baur as he changed the family name to Rothschild. Plenty of information from these links to get a good understanding of how they rule the entire world. *Note: August 29th, 2020 - it has come to my attention that almost all of the videos on the links on this site have been censored and deleted...they do not want you knowing the truth.
The Lost Letter by Net Most Wanted – 32:49 shows George Herbert Walker Bush indictment. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZTyDhtiFlzU&feature=youtu.be&fbclid=IwAR1ZR74bsScWEOzv2fyaY_JVo5NwA1bW8KuD03kICS52fUUa0jNz0T0-k4Q
The Most Incredible Military Operation In History Under The Cover of Covid, A Recorded Interview – We are currently under a Global Currency Reset.
Praying Medic -2020
https://mobileintensiveprayerunit.blogspot.com/ as of October 27, 2020
The Tipping Point – Scott McCay - the guy I may have been in a private group with, or at least he knows the same information that I know == https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OqGtESZoZbw
Scott can also be found on www.revolution.radio
He is also on CloutHub
Sources to go to due to Youtube, Twitter and Facebook Censorship
One America News Network – OAN - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H7Ms30KUxG4&feature=youtu.be
Look for these on Bitchute or elsewhere as they have also been removed from Youtube:
X22 report
Destroy the Illusion
John TrumpChump https://www.facebook.com/john.hansolo.16
Prophet Mark Taylor: @patton6966
Prophets For TRUMP:
Kim Clement Mark Taylor Charlie Shamp Greg Scroggins Chris Reed Kat Kerr Robin Bullock Rich Vera Tracy Cooke Troy Black Kevin Zadai Mario Murillo Paula White Annamarie Strawhand
Contact Tracing - The REAL Reason for Contact Tracing COVID-19 positives. Can you say "Push the Agenda tracers." - Added on 7-20-2020.
This should tell it ALL -- Symbolism will be their downfall and if you know anything about their sick, evil world - this Anubis says it all. Right on the front telling everyone who they are and what they are. Wake Up! End of story - COVID-19 is an Evil Operation.
Spielberg died-Maxwell Arrested - Utsava – July 9, 2020
*Note: This obviously cannot be confirmed but this is some crazy stuff likely put out there for misinformation to serve a purpose of saying "we know what you are doing and have done and we ae going to get you soon."
Covid/corona TRUTH from Jeremy Elliott – The IconicPodcast
Red Shoes… The Vatican – Satanic – there is nothing Holy about Pope Francis – he is Anti-Christ and is a Satanist. They are directors of Global Child Trafficking and are pure Evil. They steal children and they sell them between $60,000 and $100,000 each and the Vatican has made around $20 Billion just in Spain in the past 50 years. I have othe
Holographic Medical Beds and Technology for the Future! – these are the beds that will help CURE ALL Diseases!!! More can be found at https://www.discerningthemystery.com when disclosure occurs this is one of the technologies to be released. This is what the people on Mars use when they get wounded in the wars taking place on Mars with the bad guys. And yes, we have technology to go to Mars – and get there in seconds – this has been hidden for well over 50 years. Most of us don’t know who we are, what we are or where we are going. Why are we here? Just ONE person meditating on a specific subject can effect change to 1 Million people. http://www.discerningthemystery.com/2018/11/med-beds-holographic-medical-pods-one.html – there are three (3) types of Med Beds: (1) Holographic Med Beds; (2) Regenerative Med Beds which regenerates tissue and body parts, that’s powered by a different source; (3) Re-atomization Med Beds that in about two-and-half to three minutes will regenerate the whole human body, head to toe. What does this advanced technology mean for an 80-year old woman? She could be 30-years old again in less than three (3) minutes. Fifty years pealed off her life. Now, she can have children again. She could have a whole new family if she wants. This technology has been around a very long time, it has just been hidden to the people of need on the planet. It is not human technology but has been given to us from ET’s. The med beds are based on Tachyon Particle Energy and Plasma energy. Everything in the universe is Plasma Energy – Soil, Water and Air all plasma energy which is just a different form of frequency or vibrational energy. The med beds are controlled by AI – Artificial Intelligence. You sit in a bed, which is like an MRI tube and it runs over you with magnetic oscillation and resonance which it can quickly diagnose anything wrong with the body – all diseases – but remember that diseases are just labels and do not define what actually is wrong – this does and it fixes it. It scans your skin, muscle tissue and organs and blood. It identifies your DNA and analyzes the body. It will pick up on any genetic imperfection – you could be on your death bed with Stage 4 cancer and in just 3 minutes you are cured and NO side effects from drugs. If you had an organ removed from the body – the scan recognizes it and instantly regrows the organ as if it was never removed and it will function perfectly. When you have an organ removed your body always remembers the correct frequency of that organ – it is like a vibrational fingerprint. The AI links into the body’s frequency to regenerate the organ. Cancer can be cured very easily, very quickly and it doesn’t cost much at all. Best of all – they are EASY to manufacture in quantity. When you are in this bed you go to a deep sleep – there is no pain – you wake up and look in the mirror and you see a new self. These medical pods come with 3-D Anatomical Imaging equipment. They can revive people from the dead, heal scarring, disease, wounds and can regress age. They are used all the time in our Secret Space Program. They are automated medical stations where the medical expert just selects the type of procedure to be done from a data base. Some features are Airtight Operating Shield, Comfortable Limb Restraints, Laser Scalpel, Laser Mirror Arms to remove scarring, Computer Controlled Robotic Surgical Arms, Liquid Spray Anesthetic, Vital Signs Sensors and these are all mounted on an Adjustable Titanium Base. They can perform a wide range of surgical procedures with Laser Precision Incisions guided by 3D Anatomical live scanning. It can diagnose all neurological problems, can treat infections with concentrated antibiotics, it has a basic or advanced wound repair, limb regeneration through cellular DNA reconstruction and scar removal. It can regenerate dying cells and tissues, revive neurons, protons, stem cells – whatever is in the body – it can regenerate – thus curing any and all diseases ever known. These pods have micro laser technology and multiple refractory lenses that can manipulate the body’s natural Chronometer and perform age regression procedures through DNA modification. It can even do Cross-Hybridization between human DNA and ET Genetics. It can mix Animal DNA with the Human Genome to create stronger and healthier species of humans. There is holographic super computer software that can create various types of memory engrams that can be imprinted on peoples brains through light spectrum visual imagery in order to created false or altered memories. Brain Memory Suppression Drugs can be administered so Black Listed Classified Memories cannot be easily recalled by individuals. These are often performed in the Secret Space Programs while someone is being treated in the Holographic Medical Pod before their contract discharge time is up and they are administered the Age Regression Protocol. Some of the pods have Bio-Mimetic Gel that can synthesize healthy and young cell tissue in the body in order to replace cells that are dying off and can no longer be self regenerated. This gel also removes Pathogens that cause infection and disease in the body. These medical pods can be installed almost anywhere as they use very little power. There are also pods designed to put injuried subjects into stasis – Sleep in order to slow down the degradation and to conserve Life Force Energy so patients do not die on the way to receive medical attention. The portable units are designed for wound repair and small scale organ regeneration. http://www.blissfulvisions.com/articles/med-beds.html?fbclid=IwAR1s9-JK-g8A_pB8k5HFhjlFTjrzLPtCmFoFnqsHvTJ1LRH7TTQsz501cgY – Replicators – similar to the Med pod – Replicators use Plasma Energy to formulate anything and everything you want, if you need a new pair of shoes you just program this replicator to make you a pair – and there is now pollution and no waste to damage the environment. Replicators recycle the old back to new plasma energy. Replicators will solve the food problem. 3D Printers are the forerunners of replicators. Everything in creation is composed or consisted of Plasma Energy. This technology was given to us by Galactic who are sharing technology with the human race.
Meet the NEW KING of ENGLAND – the Royal Family and the Queen have been ousted. King John III. Joseph Greggory Hallet is the TRUE Royal Bloodline and the TRUE KING - the Queen is a FAKE and didn't even try to dispute it. Shocking. The Vatican is NO Longer in Control of the Money Supply. This guy who came from living in a cave -- is now basically owner of the World. Donald Trump is draining the swamp. The Royal Army said "we are absolutely SICK of carrying the Queens Heroin around." I don't think people know how GOOD of News this really is. This occurred in March and is being made official now as the Palace is being re-painted and made up for King John III. May 30, 2020.
Praying Medic – Source Added on April 5, 2020. Check out his website also. Dave Hayes the Praying Medic - seriously one of the best sources to follow. He breaks down and analyzes all Q posts and tells us what they mean. Must check this one out as a Top 10 Source for sure. His book: Calm Before the Storm (Q Chronicles Book 1). By Dave Hayes – The Praying Medic.
EP81 - Letter From Flynn, Saving A Nation That Was Already Lost -
An Absolute Must See or read below:
Quotes from Presidents and others like Winston Churchill indicating that we are all controlled by the Federal Reserve
😵CAUTION: Weiner Laptop Exposed – Warning – this is extremely sensitive content and can be very disturbing.
George Soros and former President George Bush have both been Arrested – Soros was arrested in Switzerland. Bush has plead guilty to 911 and many more horrific crimes as well as admitting that his Father had John F Kennedy assassinated and President Reagan shot. ***This turned out to be FALSE. Q has said that misinformation will be necessary.
John McCain Was Executed By A Military Tribunal – This has not been verified - if anyone has more information or sources please share. Thank You. *Added on April 15, 2020.
Mark Taylor: John McCain Was Executed By A Military Tribunal – by Tyler Mantyla September 17, 2018. Non-verified. This could be misinformation on purpose to get the attention of the corrupt elite cabal. **NOT Verified. **Added on April 15, 2020.
CIA, Deep State, Arrests & Military Tribunals – Robert David Steele interviewed by X-22 Report. **Added on April 15, 2020. Great Interview as Robert know a LOT.

Part 1 – Doubles, Clones & Aliens: Human Cloning, DNA, Cattle Mutilation – Amazing, DARK Technology that few know about.
Youtube: :WAR-CASTLES-~ROCKEFELLER'S – Haha -- another truthful video that YouTube doesn't want the public knowing. I should have copied these last two as they were very revealing and Truthful but YouTube doesn't want anyone on the planet knowing the truth because they are one of the Major Corporations that run our Country - the United States is a Corporation and the our Congress and Senate are "Managers" for this Corporation and they KNOW it well as this is 100% true. They make decisions that are best for the Conglomerate of Corporations and NOT for the People. Truth. June 20, 2020.
Q Intel UNDERGROUND NETWORK OPERATIONS CIV/MIL/INT TUNNEL NETWORKS – This is one of the most SHOCKING and REVEALING video on the internet about what is going on right NOW – April 13, 2020. *EVERYONE should watch this one!! One of the Top 10.
Top 10 Source as of April 2020. It talks about MK-Ultra Program – how awful and horrific this was. Describes how were are being programmed from Tel a Vision, TV- PROGRAMS, Movies and Music – been occurring from birth but we do’t even know it and we don’t even question it. Talks about population control tactics and controlling what we think and what we hear. Talks about the connections between media and government in D.C. that are unbelievable and the go deep. Almost ALL these media companies have the SAME political ideology and agenda. Talks about imprinting or splittling personalities by sexually abusing children before the age of 7. Talks about Operation Mocking Bird, Operation Paperclip and much much more. *Must see as it really helps to put the pieces together. All these sources are key pieces to this huge puzzle.

Top Doctor EXPOSES EVERYTHING: The Deep State Is Trying To Hide About CV – Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT – PHD.
:DI-RECTORS-PARTY:Russell-Jay :Gould. –
This scientist suggested a drug to treat Covid-19. 'Fact checkers' branded him fake news – Great little piece here and Thank God we have Trump for our President as he listened. By Nebojsa Malic. The drug was Chloroquine and the CDC didn’t want the U.S. to use it as it said there is no evidence or randomized trial evidence but yet they approve vaccine after vaccine with not ONE single study. If our President Donald J Trump didn't have the inclination to trust this information can you imagine what kind of trouble we would be in while listening to our CDC and the WHO?
Russia presents Covid-19 TREATMENT based on existing anti-malaria drug – March 28, 2020.
27, 2020 – Trump has taken over the Federal Reserve –
AWK News 4.3.20: Stay the course. We are FIGHTING a deeply entrenched enemy. By“And We Know” – a Quality youtube news site. Source added on April 4, 2020.
Praying Medic – Source Added on April 5, 2020. Check out his website also. Dave Hayes the Praying Medic - seriously one of the best sources to follow. He breaks down and analyzes all Q posts and tells us what they mean. Must check this one out as a Top 10 Source for sure. His book: Calm Before the Storm (Q Chronicles Book 1). By Dave Hayes – The Praying Medic.
Walter Veith & Martin Smith - Is This The End? (2 Hour In Depth Study) - What's Up Prof? 8 – This guy is very intelligent - check this out.
Whistleblower: NSA Goal Is 'Total Population Control' –
Most People Can't Handle The Truth of What's Happening, Here It Is! (2020) –
Dr.Shiva is on Fire: Rips Bill Gates, Dr. Fauci, & Queen of Vaccines– Killary – This is a GREAT Source - Very Educational and Everyone should check this one out.
This Huge Jewish Finance Firm Just Took Over the US Treasury and Fed(Blackrock, Transcript + Audio) –
Robert David Steele – Public Intelligence Blog – Reviews of the top of the top Non-Fiction books. Robert is former CIA and Oh my gosh does he have stories to tell and he is an insider who gives Trump advise
Robert Steele: Full Disclosure: Extraterrestials, No Nuclear War, End of theDeep State?
Fired NY prosecutor was givenBiden-Ukraine allegations in 2018 but didn’t follow up, emails show – Just the News - an alternative news source.
GOLD TO RESET IN SIX MONTHS: Egon Von Greyerz & Lynette Zang Talk Gold & Resets – *Everyone should be aware of what is going on in the Gold and Silver markets. Fiat is just a FAKE market. (Added on April 10, 2020.)
Soros-Funded Progressive Globalists Using Covid-19 To Get Rid Of Families And Cash?
The first documentary movie on CCP virus, Tracking Down the Origin of the Wuhan Coronavirus – A very well researched documentary on just how this COVID-19 Virus started -- where it started and how it started. *Another one that EVERYONE should watch for sure. This is also labeled "Documentary COVID-19 That will Knock your Socks off." *Added on April 13, 2020.
Erik on the Deep State, Global Elite and Illuminati – Channeling Erik – I got my information from Erik that sports would be shut down BEFORE the 2020 and this was one that I had a hard time believing but it happened somehow. Wow. Summary: There is a Deep State – it is becoming more evident as more means of communication. They are getting more stronger. The Deep State is Global and Universal and there has always been a deep state. There are actually two sides to the Deep State in which one side says “let’s play nice” and the other side says “now that we’ve go them where we want them, let’s take the legs right out under them.” This is just a summary of the first 4:30 – when putting this huge puzzle together you have to take information from the Spiritual side and this is one of the best there is. *Added on April 14, 2020.
Memoranda for the President on 9/11: Time for False Flag Deep State Truth!UPDATE 19: Israel Did It with Cheney & Mueller [New Book IndictsFBI In Detail] – this is the SOURCE of ALL SOURCES for what really happened on 911 - September 11, 2001. There is enough information here to prosecute much of the Deep State. Dozens of Quality Links. Incredible! This Rabbit Hole is DEEP!! The links are towards bottom of the webpage - Wow.
DUMBS - Deep Underground Military Bases - Facts -7-20-2020
Super Villain Nerd Pushes for Mandatory Global Vaccine/Infrared ID'Tattoo'-- by Robert Bridge.
Youtube - Alternative News sites: X-22 Report: Greg Hunter, Kevin Shipp, Lynette Zang.
Majority of US Babies Born in 2019 Were From Immigrants – by John Biner on February 7, 2020.
Government by billionaires? Cuomo names former Google CEO to join Gates &Bloomberg in drafting post-pandemic ‘reforms’
Biden’s“Quid Pro Quo” Call With Former Ukraine President Released –
Graham Asks Grenell, Barr To Reveal Other ‘Unmasked’ Trump Officials – Sara Carter – www.saracarter.com – a great alternative source.
Leaked Recordings - BidenGate - With John B Wells – John B. Wells – here here is – John’s Alternative News Website: https://johnbwellsnews.com
Karen Hudes – Waking up to a New Reality – TV – is just a Network for Global Control – Mainstream Media. The history that we are taught and the real history are quite different. Hiroshima bomb is nothing like we are told. The blood feud between the Palestinians and the Jews – it was set up to divide. The history that we have been taught and the actual history are very different. Also history about the end of WWII was false. The real thing that happened is that a German Submarine was caught transporting a device for triggering a Nuclear Bomb and this is the Bomb that went off in Hiroshima. The Death Camps were an invention, what happened? When the Russians came back they constructed Gas Chambers. The gas chambers were not part of the concentration camps. There were concentration camps but these camps were being used to manufacture Uranium to trigger the device – this was just a little of the history that we are being lied to about. Most will still believe the history that was taught to them. The history books are wrong and will need revised. WWII was actually fought to kill off 22 Million Russians. The world bank was created in order to resolve this problem and they knew that the Black Nobility was still there – relatives of the Pharaohs and Kings and that they were still going to attempt to grab the worlds wealth. Jose Rizal and Ferdinand Marcos had taken it and melted it down and placed in a TRUST. Ferdinand Marcos who was a very good lawyer knew that there was something called the Statute of Limiations and the Black Nobility (Elite Nazi’s) couldn’t take it up as Marcos and Rizal had put it in the World Bank. Karen Hudes was in the World Bank Legal Department and that is where she learned about all of this. The statute of limitations had ended after 2005 and the Black Nobility did not succeed in getting the wealth back – 50 years limitation. It was in 1949 that Rizal put these deposits in the World Bank. Jose Rizal gave the Proclamation and Gift of Love – a person from the Philippines sent Karen Hudes an email. She has proof of the deposits of the world by Jose Rizal. All Governments are part of this Global Network of Control or the Cabal as we call it. The Cabal is being directed by the Black Nobility. How are we to move forward when all of our Governments are still corrupt? We have a Power of Transition model in that it guesses what everyone would want. The Power of Transition works by you bring in an expert who knows all about a particular problems and who is a stakeholder in that problem and then you can use the software to predict with about 90 to 95% accuracy of how things will come out. First you have to find an expert that knows what the country would want if all the people of it were involved. If it turns out in reality that that particular idea was wrong you can go back and fix it but the idea is that you don’t have to wait for all the corruption to end to have a kinder world.
JEWS are the Elite – they are the ones who RUN the World and want to move World Headquarters to China. They include the Vatican who are the watchers of ALL World – Global Commerce. *If you want to KNOW the TRUTH you must become familiar with this as it is a Major Component of how everything fits together. Multiple Sources on this subject - Added June 8, 2020.
- This will implemented to control the children’s capacity – while destroying their ability to critically think for themselves.
The Top of the Top - Absolute BEST BOOKS to Read: (There will be many more added regularly).

1666 Redemption Through Sin:Global Conspiracy in History, Religion, Politics and Finance 1stEdition By Robert Sepehr. The Secret History and Religion of the Deep State. Illuminati is EXPOSED. Learn all about it in this Best Selling Book.
Project Human Extinction: The Ultimate Conspiracy (2009-11-25) – by Chris Thomas.
The Entity --
Medical Medium Books - Answers to Health Questions from GOD through the Spirit of Compassion. - Check out the blog to get a taste of the TRUTH regarding Health and Medical questions - you will not find these answers anywhere else on the Internet - a MUST SEE!
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LINKS to All Subjects Covered: Health Answers you won't find Anywhere Else!
BEST SOURCES for the Awakening - Website

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